Oregon School Activities Association
OnPoint Community Credit Union

Putnam Boys Basketball Program

5A (Public)
Regular District
5A-1 Northwest Oregon Conference

Team Staff
Head Coach
Ali Mihub
Asst. Coaches
Kevin Mixon, Keynan Middleton
JV Head Coach
Austin Klein
FR Head Coach
Jude Makinica
FR Asst. Coach
Montana Reber
Program Information
5A (2024-25)
5A-1 Northwest Oregon Conference
Portland Basketball Officials Association
Varsity Contests
22 / 22
Ranking Information
Overall Record
League Record
RPI Record
RPI Rating
RPI Rank
Colley Record
Colley Rating
Colley Rank

Ranking Frozen
10:15 pm, Mar. 4, 2025

» Go Kingsmen!
NFHS Network

Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
L 46-69 Non-League W 12/4/24 7:15pm vs. South Albany
L 18-79 Non-League
Neutral Site
F 12/6/24 6pm @ Sherwood (Southridge Tournament - Southridge HS)
L 52-58 Non-League
Neutral Site
S 12/7/24 2:15pm @ Ida B. Wells (Southridge Tournament - Southridge HS)
W 47-41 Non-League R 12/12/24 7pm @ Summit 11:45am Noon
L 49-58 Non-League T 12/17/24 5:45pm vs. North Eugene
L 47-63 Non-League F 12/20/24 7:15pm vs. Thurston
W 66-61 League M 1/6/25 7:15pm vs. Milwaukie / Milwaukie Acad. of the Arts
L 46-76 League F 1/10/25 7:15pm vs. Wilsonville
W 54-44 League M 1/13/25 5:45pm @ Hillsboro
W 60-54 League R 1/16/25 7:15pm vs. La Salle Prep
L 51-57 League T 1/21/25 5:45pm vs. Canby
W 55-52 League F 1/24/25 7:15pm vs. Hood River Valley
L 48-73 League T 1/28/25 7:15pm vs. Centennial
W 54-39 League F 1/31/25 7:15pm @ Parkrose
W 72-46 League T 2/4/25 5:45pm @ Milwaukie / Milwaukie Acad. of the Arts
L 46-64 League M 2/10/25 7:15pm @ Wilsonville
L 31-52 League T 2/18/25 7:15pm @ La Salle Prep
W 69-49 League W 2/19/25 5:45pm vs. Hillsboro
L 56-73 League F 2/21/25 7:30pm @ Canby
L 48-49 League T 2/25/25 5:45pm @ Hood River Valley
L 51-85 League F 2/28/25 7:15pm @ Centennial
W 55-53 League M 3/3/25 7:15pm vs. Parkrose (Senior Night)
OSAA 5A Rank
Overall Record
League Record
Ranking Frozen
10:15 pm, Mar. 4, 2025
RPI Rank
RPI Record
RPI Rating
Colley Rank
Colley Record
Colley Rating
Rankable Completed Contests
Opponent Result Counted Weight OAWP OAR Colley
12/4 South Albany LH 0.0 1.2 0.652 15-8 Yes
12/6 Sherwood (6A) LN 0.0 1.0 0.792 19-5 Yes
12/7 Ida B. Wells (6A) LN 0.0 1.0 0.417 10-14 Yes
12/12 Summit WA 1.2 1.2 0.708 17-7 Yes
12/17 North Eugene LH 0.0 1.2 0.652 15-8 Yes
12/20 Thurston LH 0.0 1.2 0.870 20-3 Yes
1/6 Milwaukie / Milwaukie Acad. of the Arts WH 0.8 0.8 0.045 1-21 Yes
1/10 Wilsonville LH 0.0 1.2 0.870 20-3 Yes
1/13 Hillsboro WA 1.2 1.2 0.304 7-16 Yes
1/16 La Salle Prep WH 0.8 0.8 0.696 16-7 Yes
1/21 Canby LH 0.0 1.2 0.565 13-10 Yes
1/24 Hood River Valley WH 0.8 0.8 0.476 10-11 Yes
1/28 Centennial LH 0.0 1.2 0.522 12-11 Yes
1/31 Parkrose WA 1.2 1.2 0.455 10-12 Yes
2/4 Milwaukie / Milwaukie Acad. of the Arts WA 1.2 1.2 0.045 1-21 Yes
2/10 Wilsonville LA 0.0 0.8 0.870 20-3 Yes
2/18 La Salle Prep LA 0.0 0.8 0.696 16-7 Yes
2/19 Hillsboro WH 0.8 0.8 0.304 7-16 Yes
2/21 Canby LA 0.0 0.8 0.565 13-10 Yes
2/25 Hood River Valley LA 0.0 0.8 0.476 10-11 Yes
2/28 Centennial LA 0.0 0.8 0.522 12-11 Yes
3/3 Parkrose WH 0.8 0.8 0.455 10-12 Yes
22 contests 9-13
8.8 ÷ 22.0 = 0.400
11.956 ÷ 22 opponents = 0.543
Opponent: Date and opposing team for this rankable contest.
Result: Result for this team: win (W), loss (L), or tie (T). The subscript indicates this team's designation: home team (H), away team (A), or at a neutral site (N).
Weight: Total amount of weighted points possible for this contest.
Counted: Amount of weighted points this team acquired for this contest based on the result.
OAWP: Opponent's Adjusted Winning Percentage, excluding this contest.
OAR: Opponent's Adjusted Record, excluding this contest.
Colley: Is this contest counted in the Colley method? Only contests between Oregon opponents in the same classification and ± 1 classification away are counted.
# C Name Position Grade Height
1 Jaxson Spafford 12
3 Carter Mitchelldyer 11
5 Gabriel Roemhildt 12
10 Rylie Carey 11
14 Matthew Leikem 12
21 Dylan Mitchell 11
23/13 Jaiden Avilla 12
24 Nehemiah Pittman 11
25 Branson Rentz 11
42 Joel Lombard 11
Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
Done Non-League W 12/4/24 5:45pm vs. South Albany [JV]
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
F 12/6/24 4:30pm @ Sherwood [JV] (Southridge Tournament - Putnam, Sherwood, Southridge & Wells - - Southridge HS)
Done Non-League R 12/12/24 5:30pm @ Summit [JV]
Done Non-League T 12/17/24 4:15pm vs. North Eugene [JV]
Done Non-League F 12/20/24 5:45pm vs. Thurston [JV]
Done Non-League F 1/3/25 4pm vs. McNary [JV]
Done League M 1/6/25 5:45pm vs. Milwaukie / Milwaukie Acad. of the Arts [JV]
Done League F 1/10/25 5:45pm vs. Wilsonville [JV]
Done League M 1/13/25 4:15pm @ Hillsboro [JV]
Done League R 1/16/25 5:45pm vs. La Salle Prep [JV]
Done League T 1/21/25 4:15pm vs. Canby [JV]
Done League F 1/24/25 5:45pm vs. Hood River Valley [JV]
Done League T 1/28/25 5:45pm vs. Centennial [JV]
Done League F 1/31/25 5:30pm @ Parkrose [JV]
Done League T 2/4/25 4:15pm @ Milwaukie / Milwaukie Acad. of the Arts [JV]
Done League M 2/10/25 5:30pm @ Wilsonville [JV]
Done League T 2/18/25 5:45pm @ La Salle Prep [JV]
Done League W 2/19/25 4:15pm vs. Hillsboro [JV]
Done League F 2/21/25 6pm @ Canby [JV]
Done League T 2/25/25 4:15pm @ Hood River Valley [JV] (main gym)
Done League F 2/28/25 4:15pm @ Centennial [JV]
Done League M 3/3/25 5:45pm vs. Parkrose [JV]
# C Name Position Grade Height
1 Reid Nguyen 10
2/21 Derrick Matongo 10
10 Dakari Mitchell 9
11 Rilan Campbell 11
13 Jace Johnson 10
20 Josiah Rucker 10
22 Rory Kenney 11
23 Russell Gleason 10
25 Rhyder Grandy 10
32 Kevin Abbay 11
34/14 Wyatt Every 10
Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
# C Name Position Grade Height
No player information to display, yet.

No Team Photo Found
Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
Done Non-League W 12/4/24 4:15pm vs. South Albany [FR]
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
F 12/6/24 7:30pm @ Sherwood [FR] (Southridge Tournament - Putnam, Sherwood, Southridge & Wells - - Southridge HS)
Done Non-League R 12/12/24 5:30pm @ Summit [FR]
Done Non-League T 12/17/24 7:15pm vs. North Eugene [FR] (aux gym)
Done Non-League F 12/20/24 4:15pm vs. Thurston [FR]
Done Non-League F 1/3/25 4pm vs. Sunset [JV2]
Done League M 1/6/25 4:15pm vs. Milwaukie / Milwaukie Acad. of the Arts [FR] (aux gym)
Done League F 1/10/25 4:15pm vs. Wilsonville [FR]
Done League M 1/13/25 7:15pm @ Hillsboro [JV2] (Auxiliary Gym)
Done League R 1/16/25 4:15pm vs. La Salle Prep [FR]
Done League T 1/21/25 7:15pm @ Canby [FR] (Auxiliary Gym)
Done League F 1/24/25 4:15pm vs. Hood River Valley [JV2] (aux gym)
Done League T 1/28/25 4:15pm vs. Centennial [JV2] (aux gym)
Done League F 1/31/25 4pm @ Parkrose [JV2]
Done League T 2/4/25 5:45pm @ Milwaukie / Milwaukie Acad. of the Arts [FR]
Done League M 2/10/25 5:30pm @ Wilsonville [FR]
Done League T 2/18/25 4:15pm @ La Salle Prep [FR]
Done League W 2/19/25 7:15pm vs. Hillsboro [JV2] (aux gym)
Done League F 2/21/25 4:30pm @ Canby [FR]
Done League T 2/25/25 7:15pm @ Hood River Valley [JV2] (Upper Gym)
Done League F 2/28/25 5:45pm @ Centennial [JV2]
Done League M 3/3/25 4:15pm vs. Parkrose [FR]
# C Name Position Grade Height
2 Carter Gonzles 9
5/3 Nico Johnson 9
8 Ashton Mills 9
10 Dakari Mitchell 9
12 Rylan Mauk 9
15 Gavin Caddell 9
20 Michael Handsaker 9
23 Finley Barney IV 9
31 Cohen Gagliano 9
33 Jackson Jesse 9
35 Declan Dailey 9
42 Dean Lombard 9