Oregon School Activities Association
OnPoint Community Credit Union

Crater Boys Basketball Program

5A (Public)
Regular District
5A-2 Midwestern League

Team Staff
Head Coach
Bryan Scott
Asst. Coaches
Austin Crawford, Cedric Quartey
JV Head Coach
Eric Ellis
JV Manager
Abigail Brewington
JV2 Head Coach
Phillip Leland
Program Information
5A (2024-25)
5A-2 Midwestern League
Rogue Valley Basketball Officials Association
Varsity Contests
24 / 24
Ranking Information
Overall Record
League Record
RPI Record
RPI Rating
RPI Rank
Colley Record
Colley Rating
Colley Rank

Ranking Frozen
10:15 pm, Mar. 4, 2025

» Go Comets!
NFHS Network

Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
W 54-51 Non-League W 12/4/24 7pm vs. South Medford
W 73-56 Non-League S 12/7/24 6:45pm @ Roseburg 2:15pm 11pm
L 46-70 Non-League T 12/10/24 6:45pm @ Grants Pass
W 59-23 Non-League S 12/14/24 3pm vs. Willamette
W 73-47 Non-League T 12/17/24 7:30pm @ Phoenix
W 59-55 Non-League
Neutral Site
R 12/19/24 4pm @ Pleasant Valley (CA) {16-9} (Red Bluff Holiday Tournament - Red Bluff High School)
W 83-52 Non-League
Neutral Site
F 12/20/24 5:30pm vs. Arcata (CA) {20-5} (Red Bluff Holiday Tournament - Red Bluff High School)
L 52-59 Non-League
Neutral Site
S 12/21/24 4:30pm vs. Twelve Bridges (CA) {20-7} (Red Bluff Holiday Tournament - Red Bluff High School)
L 61-74 Non-League
Neutral Site
F 12/27/24 2:30pm @ Redmond (Oregon Holiday Hoopfest - Caldera HS)
L 51-56 Non-League
Neutral Site
S 12/28/24 2:30pm vs. Sheldon (Oregon Holiday Hoopfest - Caldera HS)
L 50-54 Non-League
Neutral Site
Su 12/29/24 9:30am @ Forest Grove (Oregon Holiday Hoopfest - Caldera HS)
L 54-64 Non-League F 1/3/25 7pm vs. North Medford
L 54-55 League F 1/10/25 5:15pm @ North Eugene 10:45am 11am 11:30pm
W 60-49 League T 1/14/25 7pm vs. Ashland
L 47-70 League F 1/17/25 7pm @ Thurston
W 80-54 League T 1/21/25 7pm @ Eagle Point
L 44-69 League F 1/24/25 6:45pm vs. Churchill
W 80-62 League F 1/31/25 5:30pm vs. Springfield
L 60-71 League F 2/7/25 7pm vs. North Eugene
L 48-64 League T 2/11/25 7pm @ Ashland
L 43-56 League F 2/14/25 7pm vs. Thurston
W 72-59 League T 2/18/25 5:30pm vs. Eagle Point
W 61-58 League F 2/21/25 7:30pm @ Churchill
W 76-58 League F 2/28/25 7pm @ Springfield
L 53-67 Playoff (1) S 3/8/25 6pm @ Caldera
OSAA 5A Rank
Overall Record
League Record
Ranking Frozen
10:15 pm, Mar. 4, 2025
RPI Rank
RPI Record
RPI Rating
Colley Rank
Colley Record
Colley Rating
Rankable Completed Contests
Opponent Result Counted Weight OAWP OAR Colley
12/4 South Medford (6A) WH 0.8 0.8 0.478 11-12 Yes
12/7 Roseburg (6A) WA 1.2 1.2 0.250 6-18 Yes
12/10 Grants Pass (6A) LA 0.0 0.8 0.435 10-13 Yes
12/14 Willamette (6A) WH 0.8 0.8 0.174 4-19 Yes
12/17 Phoenix (4A) WA 1.2 1.2 0.727 16-6 Yes
12/19 Pleasant Valley (CA) WN 1.0 1.0 0.640 16-9 No
12/20 Arcata (CA) WN 1.0 1.0 0.800 20-5 No
12/21 Twelve Bridges (CA) LN 0.0 1.0 0.741 20-7 No
12/27 Redmond LN 0.0 1.0 0.750 18-6 Yes
12/28 Sheldon (6A) LN 0.0 1.0 0.792 19-5 Yes
12/29 Forest Grove (6A) LN 0.0 1.0 0.478 11-12 Yes
1/3 North Medford (6A) LH 0.0 1.2 0.565 13-10 Yes
1/10 North Eugene LA 0.0 0.8 0.636 14-8 Yes
1/14 Ashland WH 0.8 0.8 0.500 11-11 Yes
1/17 Thurston LA 0.0 0.8 0.864 19-3 Yes
1/21 Eagle Point WA 1.2 1.2 0.348 8-15 Yes
1/24 Churchill LH 0.0 1.2 0.545 12-10 Yes
1/31 Springfield WH 0.8 0.8 0.000 0-20 Yes
2/7 North Eugene LH 0.0 1.2 0.636 14-8 Yes
2/11 Ashland LA 0.0 0.8 0.500 11-11 Yes
2/14 Thurston LH 0.0 1.2 0.864 19-3 Yes
2/18 Eagle Point WH 0.8 0.8 0.348 8-15 Yes
2/21 Churchill WA 1.2 1.2 0.545 12-10 Yes
2/28 Springfield WA 1.2 1.2 0.000 0-20 Yes
24 contests 12-12
12.0 ÷ 24.0 = 0.500
12.617 ÷ 24 opponents = 0.526
Opponent: Date and opposing team for this rankable contest.
Result: Result for this team: win (W), loss (L), or tie (T). The subscript indicates this team's designation: home team (H), away team (A), or at a neutral site (N).
Weight: Total amount of weighted points possible for this contest.
Counted: Amount of weighted points this team acquired for this contest based on the result.
OAWP: Opponent's Adjusted Winning Percentage, excluding this contest.
OAR: Opponent's Adjusted Record, excluding this contest.
Colley: Is this contest counted in the Colley method? Only contests between Oregon opponents in the same classification and ± 1 classification away are counted.
# C Name Position Grade Height
0 David Rodriguez G 12 5-7
1 LJ Leland G/F 9 5-11
4 Tremaine Smith G 9 6-0
11 Benjamin Higginson G 12 6-1
12 Gobind Khalsa C 11 6-6
15 Kyle Bittle G/F 12 6-5
20 Colin Converse G 10 6-1
21 Julien Grant G 11 6-1
22 Malachi Barlow G 10 6-1
23 Landen Darnell G 9 5-7
32 Michael Robinson G/F 10 6-0
33 Jakobi Cole C 12 6-1
Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
Done Non-League W 12/4/24 5:30pm vs. South Medford [JV]
Done Non-League S 12/7/24 5:15pm @ Roseburg [JV] 2:15pm 11pm
Done Non-League T 12/10/24 5:15pm @ Grants Pass [JV]
Done Non-League S 12/14/24 1pm vs. Willamette [JV]
Done Non-League T 12/17/24 6pm @ Phoenix [JV]
Done Non-League W 12/18/24 7pm vs. Cascade Christian [JV]
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
F 12/27/24 TBD vs. TBD (Summit Holiday Tournament - Summit High School)
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
S 12/28/24 TBD vs. TBD (Summit Holiday Tournament - Summit High School)
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
S 12/28/24 1pm @ Mountain View [JV] (Oregon Holiday Hoopfest - Summit)
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
Su 12/29/24 TBD vs. TBD (Summit Holiday Tournament - Summit High School)
Done Non-League F 1/3/25 4pm vs. North Medford [JV]
Done Non-League T 1/7/25 5:30pm vs. South Medford [JV]
Done League F 1/10/25 4pm @ North Eugene [JV] 10:45am 11am 11:30pm
Done League T 1/14/25 4pm vs. Ashland [JV] (Scenic Middle School-1955 Scenic Ave. Central Point OR)
Done League F 1/17/25 4pm @ Thurston [JV]
Done League T 1/21/25 4pm @ Eagle Point [JV]
Done League F 1/24/25 5:15pm vs. Churchill [JV]
Done League F 1/31/25 4pm vs. Springfield [JV] (Scenic Middle School-1955 Scenic Ave. Central Point OR)
League T 2/4/25 4pm @ Ashland [JV]
Done League F 2/7/25 4pm vs. North Eugene [JV] (Scenic Middle School-1955 Scenic Ave. Central Point OR)
Done League F 2/14/25 4pm vs. Thurston [JV] (Scenic Middle School West Gym (1955 Scenic Ave.))
Done League T 2/18/25 4pm vs. Eagle Point [JV]
Done League F 2/21/25 6pm @ Churchill [JV]
Done League F 2/28/25 4pm @ Springfield [JV]
# C Name Position Grade Height
0 Landen Darnell G 9 5-8
1 LJ Leland G/F 9 5-11
4 Tremaine Smith G 9 6-0
5 Ronix Kezer G 9 5-9
11 Cole Kahaloa F 10 6-0
12 Blake Haas F/C 9 6-4
20 Colin Converse F 10 6-0
22 Dossen Stellpflue F 10 6-0
32 Michael Robinson F 10 6-1
33 Gobind Khalsa C 11 6-6

No Team Photo Found
Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
Done Non-League W 12/4/24 4pm vs. South Medford [FR] 2:45pm
Done Non-League S 12/7/24 5:15pm @ Roseburg [JV2] 2:15pm 11pm
Done Non-League T 12/10/24 5:15pm @ Grants Pass [FR]
Done Non-League S 12/14/24 1pm vs. Willamette [FR]
Done Non-League T 12/17/24 4:30pm @ Phoenix [JV2]
Done Non-League W 12/18/24 5:30pm vs. Cascade Christian [JV2]
Done Non-League F 12/20/24 5:15pm @ North Medford [FR] (Upstairs Gym)
Done Non-League
R 12/26/24 TBD @ TBD (Cascade Christmas Classic - Cascade Christian High School)
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
F 12/27/24 TBD @ TBD (Cascade Christmas Classic - Cascade Christian High School)
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
S 12/28/24 TBD @ TBD (Cascade Christmas Classic - Cascade Christian High School)
Done Non-League F 1/3/25 5:30pm vs. North Medford [FR] (Scenic Middle School-1955 Scenic Ave. Central Point OR)
Done Non-League T 1/7/25 4pm vs. South Medford [FR]
Done League F 1/10/25 4pm @ North Eugene [FR] (aux gym) 10:45am 11am 11:30pm
Done League T 1/14/25 5:30pm vs. Ashland [JV2] (Scenic Middle School-1955 Scenic Ave. Central Point OR)
Done League F 1/17/25 5:30pm @ Thurston [FR]
Done League T 1/21/25 5:30pm @ Eagle Point [JV2]
League F 1/24/25 3:45pm vs. Churchill [FR]
Done Non-League T 1/28/25 5:30pm @ Cascade Christian [JV2] (GCE Gym 546 Business Park Dr.)
Done League F 1/31/25 5:30pm vs. Springfield [FR] (Scenic Middle School-1955 Scenic Ave. Central Point OR)
Done League F 2/7/25 5:30pm vs. North Eugene [FR] (Scenic Middle School-1955 Scenic Ave. Central Point OR)
Done League F 2/14/25 5:30pm vs. Thurston [FR] (Scenic Middle School-1955 Scenic Ave. Central Point OR)
Done League T 2/18/25 5:30pm vs. Eagle Point [JV2] (Scenic Middle School-1955 Scenic Ave. Central Point OR)
Done League F 2/21/25 4:30pm @ Churchill [FR]
Done League W 2/26/25 4pm @ Ashland [JV2]
Done League F 2/28/25 5:30pm @ Springfield [FR]
# C Name Position Grade Height
0 Noah Castillo G 10 5-8
2 Franklin Smith F 9 5-8
4 Austin Jepsen F 9 5-9
5 Ronix Kezer F 9 5-9
11 Tavian Tidwell G 9 5-7
12 Malakai Bersch F/C 9 5-9
15 Brady Grether G 9 5-7
20 Ansen Oloizia-Vazquez G 10 5-5
21 LaMario Batz F 9 5-9
22 Damien Parmenter F/C 9 6-3
23 Noah Wooton G 9 5-5
32 Parker Knecke C 10 6-1
33 Tye Mountain C 9 6-6

No Team Photo Found
Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
Done League T 2/18/25 5:30pm vs. Eagle Point [FR] (Scenic MS)
# C Name Position Grade Height
No player information to display, yet.

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