Oregon School Activities Association
OnPoint Community Credit Union

Knappa Boys Basketball Program

2A (Public)
Regular District
2A-1 Northwest League

Team Staff
Head Coach
Paul Isom
Asst. Coaches
James Nichols, Pat Kelly
JV Head Coach
James Nichols
Program Information
2A (2024-25)
2A-1 Northwest League
North Coast Basketball Officials Association
Varsity Contests
24 / 24
Ranking Information
Overall Record
League Record
RPI Record
RPI Rating
RPI Rank
Colley Record
Colley Rating
Colley Rank

Ranking Frozen
10:58 pm, Feb. 22, 2025

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NFHS Network

Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
W 65-41 Non-League W 12/4/24 7:30pm @ Southwest Christian 1:15pm 1:30pm
L 36-49 Non-League F 12/6/24 7:30pm vs. Warrenton
W 70-29 Non-League S 12/7/24 5pm vs. Valor Christian / Tualatin Valley Acad.
L 41-65 Non-League T 12/10/24 7pm @ Crosshill Christian Noon
W 63-62 Non-League F 12/13/24 7pm @ Santiam 12:45pm 1pm
W 58-26 Non-League W 12/18/24 7pm @ North Clackamas Christian 12:45pm
W 61-43 Non-League F 12/20/24 7:30pm vs. St. Paul
W 72-40 Non-League M 12/23/24 7:30pm @ Colton 11am
W 51-32 Non-League
Neutral Site
F 12/27/24 7:30pm @ Heppner (2A Preview - Pendleton Convention Center)
W 58-38 Non-League
Neutral Site
S 12/28/24 6:30pm vs. Weston-McEwen (2A Preview - Pendleton Convention Center)
W 59-29 League T 1/7/25 7:30pm @ Gaston 11am
W 79-65 League F 1/10/25 7:30pm vs. Faith Bible / Life Christian
W 59-11 League M 1/13/25 7:30pm @ Vernonia / Jewell 2pm 2:15pm
W 67-31 League W 1/15/25 7:30pm vs. Columbia Christian
L 33-77 League F 1/17/25 7:30pm @ Portland Christian (Warner Pacific College) 1:15pm 1:30am
W 49-42 League T 1/21/25 7:30pm @ Clatskanie 1:45pm
W 55-30 League F 1/24/25 7:30pm vs. Nestucca
W 54-22 League M 1/27/25 7:30pm vs. Gaston
W 48-45 League W 1/29/25 7:30pm @ Faith Bible / Life Christian (Life Christian) 1:15pm 1:30pm
W 74-44 League F 1/31/25 6pm vs. Vernonia / Jewell
L 43-44 Non-League
S 2/1/25 6:30pm vs. Salem Academy
L 29-55 League F 2/7/25 7:30pm vs. Portland Christian
W 66-47 League T 2/11/25 7:30pm vs. Clatskanie
W 67-48 League W 2/12/25 7:30pm @ Columbia Christian 3pm 3:15pm
L 45-54 League F 2/14/25 7:30pm @ Nestucca 11am
W 45-40 League Playoff W 2/19/25 6pm vs. Nestucca
L 23-74 League Playoff
Neutral Site
S 2/22/25 6pm @ Portland Christian (Vernonia High School)
L 54-79 Playoff (1) S 3/1/25 3pm @ Stanfield
OSAA 2A Rank
Overall Record
League Record
Ranking Frozen
10:58 pm, Feb. 22, 2025
RPI Rank
RPI Record
RPI Rating
Colley Rank
Colley Record
Colley Rating
Rankable Completed Contests
Opponent Result Counted Weight OAWP OAR Colley
12/4 Southwest Christian (1A) WA 1.2 1.2 0.625 15-9 Yes
12/6 Warrenton (3A) LH 0.0 1.2 0.560 14-11 Yes
12/7 Valor Christian / Tualatin Valley Acad. (1A) WH 0.8 0.8 0.375 6-10 Yes
12/10 Crosshill Christian LA 0.0 0.8 0.565 13-10 Yes
12/13 Santiam WA 1.2 1.2 0.652 15-8 Yes
12/18 North Clackamas Christian (1A) WA 1.2 1.2 0.696 16-7 Yes
12/20 St. Paul (1A) WH 0.8 0.8 0.810 17-4 Yes
12/23 Colton WA 1.2 1.2 0.400 10-15 Yes
12/27 Heppner WN 1.0 1.0 0.391 9-14 Yes
12/28 Weston-McEwen WN 1.0 1.0 0.440 11-14 Yes
1/7 Gaston WA 1.2 1.2 0.050 1-19 Yes
1/10 Faith Bible / Life Christian WH 0.8 0.8 0.478 11-12 Yes
1/13 Vernonia / Jewell WA 1.2 1.2 0.348 8-15 Yes
1/15 Columbia Christian WH 0.8 0.8 0.300 6-14 Yes
1/17 Portland Christian LA 0.0 0.8 0.913 21-2 Yes
1/21 Clatskanie WA 1.2 1.2 0.318 7-15 Yes
1/24 Nestucca WH 0.8 0.8 0.565 13-10 Yes
1/27 Gaston WH 0.8 0.8 0.050 1-19 Yes
1/29 Faith Bible / Life Christian WA 1.2 1.2 0.478 11-12 Yes
1/31 Vernonia / Jewell WH 0.8 0.8 0.348 8-15 Yes
2/1 Salem Academy LH 0.0 1.2 0.731 19-7 Yes
2/7 Portland Christian LH 0.0 1.2 0.913 21-2 Yes
2/11 Clatskanie WH 0.8 0.8 0.318 7-15 Yes
2/12 Columbia Christian WA 1.2 1.2 0.300 6-14 Yes
2/14 Nestucca LA 0.0 0.8 0.565 13-10 Yes
2/19 Nestucca WH 0.8 0.8 0.565 13-10 Yes
2/22 Portland Christian LN 0.0 1.0 0.913 21-2 Yes
27 contests 20-7
20.0 ÷ 27.0 = 0.741
13.668 ÷ 27 opponents = 0.506
Opponent: Date and opposing team for this rankable contest.
Result: Result for this team: win (W), loss (L), or tie (T). The subscript indicates this team's designation: home team (H), away team (A), or at a neutral site (N).
Weight: Total amount of weighted points possible for this contest.
Counted: Amount of weighted points this team acquired for this contest based on the result.
OAWP: Opponent's Adjusted Winning Percentage, excluding this contest.
OAR: Opponent's Adjusted Record, excluding this contest.
Colley: Is this contest counted in the Colley method? Only contests between Oregon opponents in the same classification and ± 1 classification away are counted.
# C Name Position Grade Height
0 Wyatt Jacobson G 11 5-10
1 Ethan Olson G 10 5-08
3 Kade Kinder G 11 5-09
10 Oliver Stevens G 10 6-03
11 Orrin Jacobson G 10 6-01
22 Blake Miller G 11 5-11
23 Josh Peterson G 12 5-09
25 Soren Brown F 12 6-01
30 Henry Oien F 11 6-04
32 Parker Stevens F 12 6-05
34 Jasper Teague F 10 6-03
35 Travis Tadei F 12 6-04
44 Tannar Cagwin F 11 6-03
Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
Done Non-League W 12/4/24 4:30pm @ Southwest Christian [JV] 1:15pm 1:30pm
L 33-64 Non-League F 12/6/24 4:30pm vs. Warrenton [JV]
W 39-19 Non-League S 12/7/24 3:30pm vs. Valor Christian / Tualatin Valley Acad. [JV]
W 79-74 Non-League T 12/10/24 4pm @ Crosshill Christian [JV] Noon
Done Non-League F 12/13/24 5:30pm @ Santiam [JV] (aux gym) 12:45pm 1pm
Done Non-League W 12/18/24 4pm @ North Clackamas Christian [JV] 12:45pm
Done Non-League F 12/20/24 4:30pm vs. St. Paul [JV]
Done Non-League M 12/23/24 4:30pm @ Colton [JV] 11am
Done League T 1/7/25 4:30pm @ Gaston [JV] 11am
Done League F 1/10/25 4:30pm vs. Faith Bible / Life Christian [JV]
Done League M 1/13/25 4:30pm @ Vernonia / Jewell [JV] 12:45pm
L 24-62 League F 1/17/25 4:30pm @ Portland Christian [JV] (Warner Pacific College) 1:15pm 1:30pm
Done League T 1/21/25 4:30pm @ Clatskanie [JV] 1:45pm
Done League F 1/24/25 4:30pm vs. Nestucca [JV]
Done League M 1/27/25 4:30pm vs. Gaston [JV]
Done League W 1/29/25 4:30pm @ Faith Bible / Life Christian [JV] (Life Christian) 1:15pm 1:30pm
Done League F 1/31/25 4:30pm vs. Vernonia / Jewell [JV]
Done Non-League S 2/1/25 5pm vs. Salem Academy [JV]
L 28-55 League F 2/7/25 4:30pm vs. Portland Christian [JV]
Done League T 2/11/25 4:30pm vs. Clatskanie [JV]
Done League F 2/14/25 4:30pm @ Nestucca [JV]
# C Name Position Grade Height
1 Ethan Olson 10
2/21 Logan Affolter 9
3 Tug Bryan 9
4 Lucas Hazen 9
5 LJ Soto 9
12 Rowdy Justus 9
13 Blake Gruhlke 10
14 Gavin Jasper 11
15 Dakota Ogier 11
20 Asher Mahncke 9
22 Blake Miller 11
24 Turner Hughes 9
25 Soren Brown 12
31 Markus Edwards 11
33 Sean Aho 10
42 Paul Thompson 10
44 Tannar Cagwin 11
Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
Done Non-League S 12/7/24 2pm vs. Warrenton [JV2]
Done Non-League W 12/11/24 6:30pm @ Seaside [JV2] 4pm
Done Non-League M 12/16/24 4pm vs. Warrenton [JV2]
Done Non-League R 1/9/25 6:30pm @ Astoria [JV2] 5:30pm
Done League F 1/10/25 3:30pm vs. Faith Bible / Life Christian [JV2] ((2 quarters))
Done Non-League S 1/11/25 2pm @ Warrenton [JV2]
Done League T 1/21/25 6pm @ Clatskanie [JV2] (Upstairs Gym)
Done Non-League S 1/25/25 11:30am vs. Astoria [JV2]
Done Non-League S 2/1/25 3:30pm vs. Salem Academy [JV2]
Done League T 2/11/25 6pm vs. Clatskanie [JV2] (Knappa Jr High)
# C Name Position Grade Height
3 Tug Bryan 9
4 Lucas Hazen [ Hay-zin ] 9
5 LJ Soto 9
12 Rowdy Justus 9
13 Blake Gruhlke [ Grul-key ] 10
20 Asher Mahnke [ Main-key ] 9
21 Logan Affolter 9
24 Turner Hughes 9
33 Sean Aho 10
42 Paul Thompson 10