Oregon School Activities Association
OnPoint Community Credit Union

North Eugene Girls Basketball Program

5A (Public)
Regular District
5A-2 Midwestern League

Team Staff
Head Coach
Jacob Forte
Asst. Coaches
Darnell Edwards, Leon Ireland, Michael Murray
Program Information
5A (2024-25)
5A-2 Midwestern League
Lane County Basketball Officials Association
Varsity Contests
23 / 23
Ranking Information
Overall Record
League Record
RPI Record
RPI Rating
RPI Rank
Colley Record
Colley Rating
Colley Rank

Ranking Frozen
10:15 pm, Mar. 4, 2025

» Go Highlanders!
NFHS Network

Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
L 22-83 Non-League W 12/4/24 6:45pm vs. Willamette
W 37-27 Non-League F 12/6/24 6:45pm vs. Central
W 48-42 Non-League S 12/7/24 1pm vs. Astoria
W 57-29 Non-League T 12/10/24 6:45pm vs. South Eugene
L 43-64 Non-League
F 12/13/24 7:15pm @ La Salle Prep
W 55-38 Non-League T 12/17/24 7:15pm @ Putnam
L 55-71 Non-League R 12/19/24 6:45pm vs. Canby
W 58-41 Non-League S 12/21/24 2pm vs. Hillsboro
L 38-71 Non-League F 12/27/24 6pm @ Redmond
L 33-64 Non-League S 12/28/24 12:30pm @ Caldera
L 33-58 Non-League M 12/30/24 5:30pm @ Crescent Valley
W 65-27 Non-League T 1/7/25 6:45pm vs. Roseburg
L 32-61 League F 1/10/25 6:45pm vs. Crater
L 36-37 League W 1/15/25 5:30pm vs. Thurston
W 61-30 League F 1/17/25 5:30pm @ Ashland
W 84-23 League T 1/21/25 6:45pm vs. Churchill
W 41-38 League F 1/24/25 6:45pm vs. Eagle Point
L 42-58 League T 1/28/25 5:30pm @ Springfield
L 38-50 League T 2/4/25 5:30pm @ Thurston
L 31-71 League F 2/7/25 5:30pm @ Crater
W 61-37 League F 2/14/25 5:15pm vs. Ashland
W 64-34 League T 2/18/25 6:45pm @ Churchill
L 42-61 League F 2/21/25 7pm @ Eagle Point
L 40-52 League T 2/25/25 5:15pm vs. Springfield
OSAA 5A Rank
Overall Record
League Record
Ranking Frozen
10:15 pm, Mar. 4, 2025
RPI Rank
RPI Record
RPI Rating
Colley Rank
Colley Record
Colley Rating
Rankable Completed Contests
Opponent Result Counted Weight OAWP OAR Colley
12/4 Willamette (6A) LH 0.0 1.2 0.792 19-5 Yes
12/6 Central WH 0.8 0.8 0.261 6-17 Yes
12/7 Astoria (4A) WH 0.8 0.8 0.619 13-8 Yes
12/10 South Eugene (6A) WH 0.8 0.8 0.208 5-19 Yes
12/13 La Salle Prep LA 0.0 0.8 0.625 15-9 Yes
12/17 Putnam WA 1.2 1.2 0.333 6-12 Yes
12/19 Canby LH 0.0 1.2 0.542 13-11 Yes
12/21 Hillsboro WH 0.8 0.8 0.609 14-9 Yes
12/27 Redmond LA 0.0 0.8 0.783 18-5 Yes
12/28 Caldera LA 0.0 0.8 0.565 13-10 Yes
12/30 Crescent Valley LA 0.0 0.8 0.583 14-10 Yes
1/7 Roseburg (6A) WH 0.8 0.8 0.318 7-15 Yes
1/10 Crater LH 0.0 1.2 0.957 22-1 Yes
1/15 Thurston LH 0.0 1.2 0.409 9-13 Yes
1/17 Ashland WA 1.2 1.2 0.273 6-16 Yes
1/21 Churchill WH 0.8 0.8 0.045 1-21 Yes
1/24 Eagle Point WH 0.8 0.8 0.619 13-8 Yes
1/28 Springfield LA 0.0 0.8 0.682 15-7 Yes
2/4 Thurston LA 0.0 0.8 0.409 9-13 Yes
2/7 Crater LA 0.0 0.8 0.957 22-1 Yes
2/14 Ashland WH 0.8 0.8 0.273 6-16 Yes
2/18 Churchill WA 1.2 1.2 0.045 1-21 Yes
2/21 Eagle Point LA 0.0 0.8 0.619 13-8 Yes
2/25 Springfield LH 0.0 1.2 0.682 15-7 Yes
24 contests 11-13
10.0 ÷ 22.4 = 0.446
12.207 ÷ 24 opponents = 0.509
Opponent: Date and opposing team for this rankable contest.
Result: Result for this team: win (W), loss (L), or tie (T). The subscript indicates this team's designation: home team (H), away team (A), or at a neutral site (N).
Weight: Total amount of weighted points possible for this contest.
Counted: Amount of weighted points this team acquired for this contest based on the result.
OAWP: Opponent's Adjusted Winning Percentage, excluding this contest.
OAR: Opponent's Adjusted Record, excluding this contest.
Colley: Is this contest counted in the Colley method? Only contests between Oregon opponents in the same classification and ± 1 classification away are counted.
# C Name Position Grade Height
1 Lily Nguyen G/W 10 5-5
2 Dakota Davis G/W 9 5-8
3 Tabitha Bierman G/W 10 5-4
4 Makena Salden G/W 10 5-7
5 Alaina LaBounty F/P 9 5-10
11 C Marley Dotts "Mar" F/C 12 5-8
12 Courtney Stewart C/F 9 6-2
13 C Lilian Gates "Lily" W/F 12 6-0
20 Alexis Hostetler F/C 11 6-0
21 Brooklyn Foltz G/W 11 5-3
24 Eliana Haynes G/W 11 5-6
33 Sydney Nelson C/F 10 6-1
45 Makayla Giles W/F 11
Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
Done Non-League W 12/4/24 5:15pm vs. Willamette [JV]
Done Non-League F 12/6/24 5:15pm vs. Central [JV]
Done Non-League T 12/10/24 5:15pm vs. South Eugene [JV]
Done Non-League F 12/13/24 5:30pm @ La Salle Prep [JV]
Done Non-League T 12/17/24 5:45pm @ Putnam [JV]
Done Non-League R 12/19/24 5:15pm vs. Canby [JV]
Done Non-League S 12/21/24 12:30pm vs. Hillsboro [JV]
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
M 12/23/24 1:30pm @ Junction City [JV] (Junction City Sub Varsity Tournament - Junction City High School)
L 6-78 Non-League
F 12/27/24 4pm @ Redmond [JV]
Done Non-League S 12/28/24 11am @ Caldera [JV]
Done Non-League M 12/30/24 4pm @ Crescent Valley [JV]
Done Non-League T 1/7/25 5:15pm vs. Roseburg [JV]
Done League F 1/10/25 5:15pm vs. Crater [JV]
Done League W 1/15/25 4pm vs. Thurston [JV]
Done League F 1/17/25 4pm @ Ashland [JV]
Done League T 1/21/25 5:15pm vs. Churchill [JV]
Done League F 1/24/25 5:15pm vs. Eagle Point [JV]
Done League T 1/28/25 4pm @ Springfield [JV]
Done League T 2/4/25 4pm @ Thurston [JV]
Done League F 2/7/25 4pm @ Crater [JV]
Done League F 2/14/25 4pm vs. Ashland [JV]
Done League T 2/18/25 5:15pm @ Churchill [JV]
Done League F 2/21/25 4pm @ Eagle Point [JV]
Done League T 2/25/25 4pm vs. Springfield [JV]
# C Name Position Grade Height
Alaina LaBounty 9
Delaney Pierce 9
Terefech "Teru" McKinnis 9
Leah Frantz 9
Helena Buershaper 9
Lachlan Anderson 9
Hailey Baltazar 9
Arianna Alfaro 9

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