Oregon School Activities Association
OnPoint Community Credit Union

Pendleton Girls Basketball Program

4A (Public)
Regular District
4A-6 Greater Oregon League

Team Staff
Head Coach
Tim Foster
Asst. Coach
Haley Robinett
JV Head Coach
Randy Jenness
JV Asst. Coach
Kim Taber
JV2 Head Coach
Jessica Wright
Program Information
4A (2024-25)
4A-6 Greater Oregon League
Blue Mountain Basketball Officials Association
Varsity Contests
24 / 24
Ranking Information
Overall Record
League Record
RPI Record
RPI Rating
RPI Rank
Colley Record
Colley Rating
Colley Rank

Ranking Frozen
10:35 pm, Feb. 25, 2025

» Go Buckaroos!
NFHS Network

Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
L 39-44 Non-League
F 12/6/24 6pm vs. Scappoose (Red Lion Invitational - Pendleton High School)
L 25-49 Non-League
S 12/7/24 2pm vs. Columbia River (WA) {19-3} (Red Lion Invitational - Pendleton High School)
L 17-42 Non-League T 12/10/24 4:30pm vs. Lewiston (ID) {6-14}
L 41-51 Non-League W 12/11/24 5pm @ Molalla 11:15am 11:30am 1am
W 40-38 Non-League F 12/13/24 6:30pm vs. Bend
L 18-46 Non-League T 12/17/24 5:30pm @ Burns 10:15am 10:30am 11:30pm
L 35-42 Non-League F 12/20/24 6:30pm vs. North Marion
W 60-36 Non-League
S 12/21/24 1:30pm vs. Gladstone
L 36-50 Non-League S 12/28/24 3pm vs. Marist Catholic
L 32-60 Non-League
Neutral Site
R 1/2/25 1:30pm @ Colfax (WA) {13-13} (Avista Tournament - Lewis and Clark State College) 7:45am 8am
L 38-50 Non-League
Neutral Site
F 1/3/25 9am @ Moscow (ID) {8-13} (Avista Tournament - Lewis and Clark State College)
L 45-52 Non-League
Neutral Site
S 1/4/25 10am @ Lakeland (ID) {14-7} (Avista Tournament - Lewis and Clark State College)
W 54-49 Non-League T 1/7/25 6:30pm @ Scappoose 9:45am 10am 12:30am
L 39-43 Non-League W 1/8/25 6:30pm vs. The Dalles (Pendleton High School)
L 31-43 League T 1/14/25 6pm @ Baker 11:45am Noon 10:30pm
L 46-69 Non-League F 1/17/25 6:30pm @ Redmond 10:45am 11am 1am
W 50-16 League F 1/24/25 6pm vs. Ontario
W 40-22 Non-League W 1/29/25 6pm vs. McLoughlin
L 34-60 League F 1/31/25 6pm @ La Grande 12:15pm 12:30pm 9pm
L 25-46 Non-League S 2/1/25 Noon vs. Vale
L 30-37 League T 2/4/25 5pm vs. Baker
W 52-22 League S 2/8/25 2pm (MT) @ Ontario 10:15am (MT) 10:30am (MT) 11:30pm (MT)
W 64-34 Non-League T 2/11/25 6pm vs. Nixyaawii
L 35-59 League S 2/15/25 1pm vs. La Grande
W 60-25 League Playoff T 2/18/25 5pm vs. Ontario
L 41-62 League Playoff R 2/20/25 5pm @ Baker
L 34-42 Play-In S 3/1/25 2pm @ St. Helens
OSAA 4A Rank
Overall Record
League Record
Ranking Frozen
10:35 pm, Feb. 25, 2025
RPI Rank
RPI Record
RPI Rating
Colley Rank
Colley Record
Colley Rating
Rankable Completed Contests
Opponent Result Counted Weight OAWP OAR Colley
12/6 Scappoose LH 0.0 1.2 0.167 3-15 Yes
12/7 Columbia River (WA) LH 0.0 1.2 0.864 19-3 No
12/10 Lewiston (ID) LH 0.0 1.2 0.300 6-14 No
12/11 Molalla LA 0.0 0.8 0.455 10-12 Yes
12/13 Bend (5A) WH 0.8 0.8 0.391 9-14 Yes
12/17 Burns (3A) LA 0.0 0.8 0.708 17-7 Yes
12/20 North Marion LH 0.0 1.2 0.333 7-14 Yes
12/21 Gladstone WH 0.8 0.8 0.217 5-18 Yes
12/28 Marist Catholic LH 0.0 1.2 0.619 13-8 Yes
1/2 Colfax (WA) LN 0.0 1.0 0.500 13-13 No
1/3 Moscow (ID) LN 0.0 1.0 0.381 8-13 No
1/4 Lakeland (ID) LN 0.0 1.0 0.667 14-7 No
1/7 Scappoose WA 1.2 1.2 0.167 3-15 Yes
1/8 The Dalles LH 0.0 1.2 0.773 17-5 Yes
1/14 Baker LA 0.0 0.8 0.591 13-9 Yes
1/17 Redmond (5A) LA 0.0 0.8 0.783 18-5 Yes
1/24 Ontario WH 0.8 0.8 0.091 2-20 Yes
1/29 McLoughlin (3A) WH 0.8 0.8 0.136 3-19 Yes
1/31 La Grande LA 0.0 0.8 0.800 16-4 Yes
2/1 Vale (3A) LH 0.0 1.2 0.957 22-1 Yes
2/4 Baker LH 0.0 1.2 0.591 13-9 Yes
2/8 Ontario WA 1.2 1.2 0.091 2-20 Yes
2/11 Nixyaawii (1A) WH 0.8 0.8 0.238 5-16 No
2/15 La Grande LH 0.0 1.2 0.800 16-4 Yes
2/18 Ontario WH 0.8 0.8 0.091 2-20 Yes
2/20 Baker LA 0.0 0.8 0.591 13-9 Yes
26 contests 8-18
7.2 ÷ 25.8 = 0.279
12.300 ÷ 26 opponents = 0.473
Opponent: Date and opposing team for this rankable contest.
Result: Result for this team: win (W), loss (L), or tie (T). The subscript indicates this team's designation: home team (H), away team (A), or at a neutral site (N).
Weight: Total amount of weighted points possible for this contest.
Counted: Amount of weighted points this team acquired for this contest based on the result.
OAWP: Opponent's Adjusted Winning Percentage, excluding this contest.
OAR: Opponent's Adjusted Record, excluding this contest.
Colley: Is this contest counted in the Colley method? Only contests between Oregon opponents in the same classification and ± 1 classification away are counted.
# C Name Position Grade Height
3/3 Khimora Scott G 10 5-2
5/5 Megan Fisher G 12 5-5
10/10 Chais Surber G 11 5-4
12/12 Presley Greenwalt G/F 9 5-8
13/13 Dakota McLaughlin F 12 5-9
14/14 Rylee Jackson G 9 5-3
20/20 Nessa Neveau G/F 12 5-8
23/23 Jadyn Schmidt G/F 9 5-8
24/24 Ellery Flerchinger F 12 5-11
33/33 Paisley McLaughlin F 9 5-10
34/34 Josie Jenness G 12 5-7
40/40 Katelyn Boatman F 11 5-9

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Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
F 12/6/24 7:30pm vs. Scappoose [JV] (Red Lion Invitational - Gold Gym)
Done Non-League M 12/9/24 4:30pm @ McLoughlin [JV] 12:45pm 1pm 8pm
Done Non-League T 12/10/24 3pm vs. Lewiston (ID) 2pm
Done Non-League F 12/13/24 5pm vs. Bend [JV]
Done Non-League T 12/17/24 4pm @ Burns [JV] 10:15am 10:30am 11:30pm
Done Non-League S 12/21/24 Noon vs. Gladstone [JV]
Done Non-League S 12/28/24 4:30pm vs. Marist Catholic [JV] (Gold Gym)
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
R 1/2/25 TBD @ TBD (Avista Tournament - Lewiston) 7:45am 8am
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
F 1/3/25 TBD @ TBD (Avista Tournament - Lewiston)
Neutral Site
S 1/4/25 TBD @ TBD (Avista Tournament - Lewiston)
Done Non-League T 1/7/25 5pm @ Scappoose [JV] 9:45am 10am 12:30am
Done Non-League W 1/8/25 5pm vs. The Dalles [JV] (Pendleton High School)
Done League T 1/14/25 3pm @ Baker [JV] 11:45am Noon 10:30pm
L 16-61 Non-League F 1/17/25 5pm @ Redmond [JV] 10:45am 11am 1am
Done Non-League S 1/18/25 1pm @ Umatilla [JV] 11am 11:15am 3:15pm
Done League F 1/24/25 3pm vs. Ontario [JV]
Done League F 1/31/25 3pm @ La Grande [JV] 12:15pm 12:30pm 9pm
Done Non-League S 2/1/25 10:30am vs. Vale [JV]
League F 2/7/25 4:30pm (MT) @ Ontario [JV] 10:15am (MT) 10:30am (MT) 11:30pm (MT)
Done League W 2/12/25 4:30pm vs. Baker [JV] (Gold Gym)
Done League S 2/15/25 10am vs. La Grande [JV]
# C Name Position Grade Height
3/3 Vanessa Cook 11
5/5 Ari Banica 9
10/10 Jadyn Schmidt 9
11/11 Tyler Scott 9
13/13 Blanca Ezquerra Monsalve 10
20/20 Erianna Torres 10
23/23 Mackenna Naughton 9
31/31 Paisley McLaughlin 9
40/40 Adrianna Rodriguez 11
41/41 Kallahan Smith 9

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Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
Done Non-League R 12/5/24 4pm @ Pilot Rock [JV] 2:30pm 2:45pm 7pm
Done Non-League S 12/7/24 1:30pm @ Walla Walla (WA) 11:15am 11:30am 4pm
Done Non-League T 12/10/24 6pm vs. Lewiston (ID) (Gold Gym)
Done Non-League M 12/16/24 5:30pm vs. Pilot Rock [JV] (Gold Gym)
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
F 12/20/24 4pm @ Stanfield [JV] (Stanfield JV tourney - Stanfield High School) 2:15pm 2:30pm 7:30pm
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
S 12/21/24 10am @ Irrigon [JV] (Stanfield JV - Stanfield High School) 8:45am 9am Noon
Done Non-League T 1/7/25 3:30pm @ Scappoose [JV2]
Done Non-League S 1/11/25 Noon vs. Sherman [JV] (Gold Gym)
Done Non-League T 1/14/25 6pm vs. Elgin [JV] (Gold Gym)
Done Non-League S 1/18/25 10am @ Umatilla [JV2] 8:05am 8:20am 3:15pm
Done Non-League T 1/21/25 4pm vs. McLoughlin [JV] (Gold Gym)
Done Non-League R 1/23/25 6pm @ Chiawana (WA) 4pm 4:15pm 8:30pm
Done Non-League S 2/1/25 10:30am vs. Vale [JV2] (Gold Gym)
Done Non-League T 2/4/25 4:30pm vs. Chiawana (WA) (Gold Gym)
Done League R 2/6/25 4pm @ La Grande [JV2]
Done League M 2/10/25 4pm @ La Grande [JV2] 1:45pm 2pm 9pm
Done League S 2/15/25 11:30am vs. La Grande [JV2] (Gold Gym)
# C Name Position Grade Height
3/3 Kaleah Wilson 10
5/5 Dymond Say 9
10/10 Ivanka Edwards 10
11/11 Natalie Pedersen 10
12/12 Lorissa Cook 10
14/14 Amara McThrow 10
20/20 Eriana Torres 10
21/21 Alexi Moore 10
24/24 Tiana Wilson 9
32/32 Kamia Dick 11

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