Oregon School Activities Association
OnPoint Community Credit Union

South Eugene Boys Basketball Program

6A (Public)
Regular District
6A-7 Southwest Conference

Team Staff
Head Coach
Solomon Harris
Asst. Coaches
Joe Harbert, Ryan Harbert
JV Head Coach
Richard Perry
FR Head Coach
Chris Bowers
FR Asst. Coaches
Ethan Wing, Jonah White
Program Information
6A (2024-25)
6A-7 Southwest Conference
Lane County Basketball Officials Association
Varsity Contests
24 / 24
Ranking Information
Overall Record
League Record
RPI Record
RPI Rating
RPI Rank
Colley Record
Colley Rating
Colley Rank

Ranking Frozen
2:32 pm, Mar. 1, 2025

» Go Axe!
NFHS Network

Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
W 63-54 Non-League W 12/4/24 6:45pm vs. Churchill
L 55-90 Non-League F 12/6/24 6:30pm @ West Linn
L 59-68 Non-League T 12/10/24 6:45pm vs. North Eugene
W 57-56 Non-League S 12/14/24 3pm vs. Ridgeview
L 51-64 Non-League T 12/17/24 6:45pm @ Thurston
W 73-57 Non-League
Neutral Site
F 12/20/24 5:45pm vs. Beaverton (Century Tournament - Century HS)
W 73-62 Non-League
S 12/21/24 5:30pm @ Century (Century Tournament - Century High School)
W 72-44 Non-League
Neutral Site
F 12/27/24 5:30pm @ Mountain View (Oregon Holiday Hoopfest - Summit)
W 66-57 Non-League
Neutral Site
S 12/28/24 5:30pm @ Lake Oswego (Oregon Holiday Hoopfest - Summit High School)
W 66-62 Non-League
Su 12/29/24 2pm @ Summit (Oregon Holiday Hoopfest - Summit High School)
L 47-66 Non-League F 1/3/25 6:45pm vs. Sprague
W 73-59 Non-League T 1/7/25 6:45pm vs. Glencoe
L 45-57 League F 1/10/25 6:45pm @ Grants Pass
W 48-46 League M 1/13/25 5:30pm @ Willamette
W 52-45 League F 1/17/25 6:45pm vs. North Medford
L 47-48 League F 1/24/25 6:45pm vs. South Medford
L 49-61 League T 1/28/25 5:30pm vs. Sheldon
W 72-71 League F 1/31/25 6:45pm @ Roseburg
L 52-59 League F 2/7/25 6:45pm vs. Grants Pass
W 69-55 League T 2/11/25 7pm vs. Willamette
W 54-44 League F 2/14/25 6pm @ North Medford (Oakdale Middle School)
L 46-60 League T 2/18/25 7pm @ Sheldon (Senior Recognition Night)
L 40-61 League F 2/21/25 6:45pm @ South Medford
W 69-59 League T 2/25/25 6:45pm vs. Roseburg
L 45-74 Playoff (1) W 3/5/25 6:30pm @ Sherwood
OSAA 6A Rank
Overall Record
League Record
Ranking Frozen
2:32 pm, Mar. 1, 2025
RPI Rank
RPI Record
RPI Rating
Colley Rank
Colley Record
Colley Rating
Rankable Completed Contests
Opponent Result Counted Weight OAWP OAR Colley
12/4 Churchill (5A) WH 0.8 0.8 0.565 13-10 Yes
12/6 West Linn LA 0.0 0.8 0.783 18-5 Yes
12/10 North Eugene (5A) LH 0.0 1.2 0.652 15-8 Yes
12/14 Ridgeview (5A) WH 0.8 0.8 0.417 10-14 Yes
12/17 Thurston (5A) LA 0.0 0.8 0.870 20-3 Yes
12/20 Beaverton WN 1.0 1.0 0.348 8-15 Yes
12/21 Century WA 1.2 1.2 0.652 15-8 Yes
12/27 Mountain View (5A) WN 1.0 1.0 0.435 10-13 Yes
12/28 Lake Oswego WN 1.0 1.0 0.391 9-14 Yes
12/29 Summit (5A) WA 1.2 1.2 0.708 17-7 Yes
1/3 Sprague LH 0.0 1.2 0.826 19-4 Yes
1/7 Glencoe WH 0.8 0.8 0.435 10-13 Yes
1/10 Grants Pass LA 0.0 0.8 0.409 9-13 Yes
1/13 Willamette WA 1.2 1.2 0.182 4-18 Yes
1/17 North Medford WH 0.8 0.8 0.636 14-8 Yes
1/24 South Medford LH 0.0 1.2 0.409 9-13 Yes
1/28 Sheldon LH 0.0 1.2 0.783 18-5 Yes
1/31 Roseburg WA 1.2 1.2 0.261 6-17 Yes
2/7 Grants Pass LH 0.0 1.2 0.409 9-13 Yes
2/11 Willamette WH 0.8 0.8 0.182 4-18 Yes
2/14 North Medford WA 1.2 1.2 0.636 14-8 Yes
2/18 Sheldon LA 0.0 0.8 0.783 18-5 Yes
2/21 South Medford LA 0.0 0.8 0.409 9-13 Yes
2/25 Roseburg WH 0.8 0.8 0.261 6-17 Yes
24 contests 14-10
13.8 ÷ 23.8 = 0.580
12.441 ÷ 24 opponents = 0.518
Opponent: Date and opposing team for this rankable contest.
Result: Result for this team: win (W), loss (L), or tie (T). The subscript indicates this team's designation: home team (H), away team (A), or at a neutral site (N).
Weight: Total amount of weighted points possible for this contest.
Counted: Amount of weighted points this team acquired for this contest based on the result.
OAWP: Opponent's Adjusted Winning Percentage, excluding this contest.
OAR: Opponent's Adjusted Record, excluding this contest.
Colley: Is this contest counted in the Colley method? Only contests between Oregon opponents in the same classification and ± 1 classification away are counted.
# C Name Position Grade Height
0/0 Nathaniel Johnson G 12
5/5 Levi Hawes G 12
12/12 Robin Lin G 11
13/13 Andre Rue G 12
14/14 Karch Heckard G 12
33/33 Rocco Kaster F 12
34/34 Julius Shafer F 11
35/35 Elijah Gabriel F 10
40/40 Cameron Perry F 11
45/45 Calvin Yoder F 11
Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
L 38-51 Non-League W 12/4/24 5:15pm vs. Churchill [JV]
Done Non-League F 12/6/24 5pm @ West Linn [JV]
Done Non-League T 12/10/24 5:15pm vs. North Eugene [JV]
Done Non-League S 12/14/24 Noon vs. Ridgeview [JV]
Done Non-League T 12/17/24 5:15pm @ Thurston [JV]
L 37-45 Non-League
Neutral Site
F 12/20/24 4:15pm vs. Beaverton [JV] (Century Tournament - Century High School)
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
S 12/21/24 TBD vs. TBD (Century Tournament - Century High School)
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
F 12/27/24 1pm @ Caldera [JV] (Summit Holiday Tournament - Caldera HS)
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
S 12/28/24 7pm @ Crook County [JV] (Summit Holiday Tournament - Caldera HS)
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
Su 12/29/24 8am @ Newberg [JV] (Summit Holiday Tournament - Summit)
Done Non-League F 1/3/25 5:15pm vs. Sprague [JV]
Done Non-League T 1/7/25 5:15pm vs. Glencoe [JV]
Done League F 1/10/25 5:15pm @ Grants Pass [JV]
Done League M 1/13/25 4pm @ Willamette [JV]
Done League F 1/17/25 5:15pm vs. North Medford [JV]
Done League F 1/24/25 5:15pm vs. South Medford [JV]
Done League M 1/27/25 6pm @ Sheldon [JV]
Done League F 1/31/25 5:15pm @ Roseburg [JV]
Done League F 2/7/25 5:15pm vs. Grants Pass [JV]
Done League M 2/10/25 5:30pm vs. Willamette [JV]
Done League F 2/14/25 4:30pm @ North Medford [JV] (Oakdale Middle School)
Done League M 2/17/25 6pm vs. Sheldon [JV]
Done League F 2/21/25 5:15pm @ South Medford [JV]
Done League T 2/25/25 5:15pm vs. Roseburg [JV]
# C Name Position Grade Height
11/11 Levi Cohen G 9
21/21 Romin Lichvarcik G 10
22/22 Jack Von Ammon G 11
23/23 Ronan Gleeson G 11
25/25 Harvey Runyeon F 10
30/30 Connor Weatherly F 11
50/50 Jackson Ingram F 10
55/55 Jonah Alexander F 10

No Team Photo Found
Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
F 12/27/24 4pm @ Mountain View [JV2] (Oregon Holiday Hoopfest - Caldera High School)
# C Name Position Grade Height
No player information to display, yet.

No Team Photo Found
Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
W 56-36 Non-League W 12/4/24 5:15pm vs. Churchill [FR]
Done Non-League F 12/6/24 5pm @ West Linn [FR]
Done Non-League T 12/10/24 5:15pm vs. North Eugene [FR]
Done Non-League S 12/14/24 1:30pm vs. Ridgeview [FR]
Done Non-League T 12/17/24 5:15pm @ Thurston [FR]
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
F 12/20/24 7:15pm vs. Beaverton [FR] (Century Tournament - Century High School)
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
S 12/21/24 TBD vs. TBD (Century Tournament - Century High School)
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
F 12/27/24 4pm @ Mountain View [FR] (Summit Holiday Tournament - Caldera HS)
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
S 12/28/24 2:30pm @ Summit [FR] (Summit Holiday Tournament - Summit)
Done Non-League
Neutral Site
Su 12/29/24 11am @ Crook County [FR] (Summit Holiday Tournament - Caldera HS)
Done Non-League F 1/3/25 5:15pm vs. Sprague [JV2]
Done Non-League T 1/7/25 5:15pm vs. Glencoe [FR]
Done League F 1/10/25 5:15pm @ Grants Pass [FR]
Done League M 1/13/25 4pm @ Willamette [FR]
Done League F 1/17/25 5:15pm vs. North Medford [FR]
Done League F 1/24/25 5:15pm vs. South Medford [FR]
Done League M 1/27/25 4:30pm @ Sheldon [FR]
Done League F 1/31/25 5:15pm @ Roseburg [JV2]
Done League F 2/7/25 5:15pm vs. Grants Pass [FR]
Done League M 2/10/25 5:30pm vs. Willamette [FR]
Done League F 2/14/25 4:30pm @ North Medford [FR] (Oakdale Middle School Upstairs Gym)
Done League M 2/17/25 4:30pm vs. Sheldon [FR]
Done League F 2/21/25 5:15pm @ South Medford [FR]
Done League T 2/25/25 5:15pm vs. Roseburg [JV2]
# C Name Position Grade Height
1/1 Tashi Alessi G 9
3/3 Finn Wilder G 9
4/4 Elias Renner G 9
10/10 Liam Reavis G 9
15/15 Colin Shea G 9
20/20 Colby Yeager G 9
24/24 Ahsha Tanner G 9
31/31 Ronin Lee F 9
32/32 Edgar Villasenor F 9
43/43 Yapsa Mane F 9
44/44 Ribbe Earle F 9
51/51 Jake Ramsey F 9
52/52 Zeming Yuan F 9
54/54 Dominic Warren-Lovell F 9

No Team Photo Found