

“What is your summer workout routine?”

June 10, 2020 by Staff Writer, OSAAtoday
Faith Collar is using her summer to prepare herself to do this again, among other things
Faith Collar is using her summer to prepare herself to do this again, among other things

[Editor’s note: Every Wednesday during the summer, we will ask Oregon high school athletes to answer a question pertaining to summer. The best and most interesting responses will be published. In this inaugural edition we ask about workout routines. We received more than 25 responses. Ten appear below…]

“My summer workout routine starts with me getting dressed, putting on sunscreen (very important), and wrapping one of my toes with tape because the toenail has started to fall off. Then, if the workout for the day is a long run (anywhere from 45-90 minutes), I will turn on a podcast or some music. These are my favorite workouts because I can just cruise along and let my mind wander. If the workout is mile repeats, I will do a small warm up and dynamic drills and stretching on the sidewalk in front of my house. When I start the run, I make sure to use my Garmin watch so that I can keep track of my pace and speed up or slow down if I need to. For these mile repeats, I oftentimes have to zigzag back and forth to avoid stoplights and keep running, and so the route each time I do them is a little bit different. Finally, I get back to my house and drink a cold glass of water, then start my static stretching. I have to put a towel on the floor because at this point I am usually dripping with sweat. I make sure to finish by rolling out on a foam roller and doing a small core routine, and then my family begs me to go take a shower.” – Isa Swain, cross country and track & field, Class of 2022, North Salem HS

“I ride my dirt bike every day. It works every muscle in your body. I do 20 pushups, 75 sit ups and a mile run on the treadmill and that’s all.” – Elijah Myers, football, Class of 2022, Sandy HS

“My summer workout routine is very wide ranging. At least once a day I go outside and hit softballs off the tee, and pitch to prepare myself for the little summer ball I have left (while social distancing). Along with this I like to go on long runs or hikes around Portland and take in some of the beautiful scenery, all while trying to get myself in shape. On top of all of this I have also been playing lots of volleyball in the backyard or playing basketball with my brother (who thinks he can beat me). It gets very competitive. My goal for my summer workout is to just do something active outside every day to prepare myself for upcoming games this summer and hope for sports to come back soon.” – Faith Collar, soccer, basketball and softball, Class of 2021, Roosevelt HS

“My summer workout routine consists of going to the football field for roughly two hours every day, then my running back, Blake Wolters, and I drive out to his uncle’s shop to lift. His uncle allowed us to create our own weight room in his shop. He had some weights and equipment already but we basically just got as much equipment as we could and bought some new things that we needed.

“On the football field we try to get as many of our teammates as we can to come. We do drills that work on our footwork, speed, throwing and catching. We have improved in many ways since we started doing this every day. The only thing that really stops us from going to the field is if the weather is absolutely horrible, because then it would just be miserable and we wouldn't benefit off of it. On days where the weather is bad we might start with some of the agility drills in the shop. Driving out to the shop takes about 30 minutes each way, but it is totally worth it and we are blessed to have access to our own weight room. Anyway once we get to the shop we warm up in a variety of ways, but a lot of the time we will just play a couple of games of Spikeball to get pumped up a bit and it's good for hand-eye coordination. Then we jump rope and stretch a little bit. Then we get straight into the workout based off of that day!” – Jayden Wilson, football, basketball and track & field, Class of 2021, Heppner HS

“Every morning, Monday-Friday, I do what’s called “The Lt. Michael Murphy Challenge.” The challenge is to work your way up to doing a 1-mile run, 200 pull-ups (or push-ups), 200 sit-ups, 300 squats, and a 1-mile run with a 20-pound vest on. Then later each day I do some sort of softball workout for at least one hour. I usually trade off offense and defense each day.” – Trinity Holden, volleyball and softball, Class of 2022, Lebanon HS

“I’ve been mainly working outside either cutting down trees or digging a ditch for a new water pipeline. Other than that I’ve been doing the workouts provided by my coach.” – Wesley Ellison, football, wrestling and track & field, Class of 2022, Astoria HS

“In the summer, I like to do a variety of workouts that I might not be able to fit into my schedule during the school year. I already do strength, speed, agility, and soccer-specific workouts, but in the summer I add even more cross-training workouts. I enjoy paddle boarding, mountain biking, swimming, and trail running in the summer – anything to engage in our beautiful state!” – Sophie Wand, soccer, Class of 2021, Catlin Gabel HS

“I do workouts through Zoom with Rokke Sports Monday through Friday. I also will go to a field by my house whenever I can to hit and field. When I don’t go to the field, I hit off a tee in my garage and throw into a net to keep my arm in shape. I also do a lot of sprints and speed and agility workout in order to stay in playing shape. I’ve also been working to improve my mental game through a six-week program called ‘Courage Ignited.’” – Georgia Courey, softball, Class of 2022, Jesuit HS

“My summer workout routine consists of sprints, distance running, soccer footwork, core, ACL prevention, and lifting. Every day I run 2-3 miles depending on the day and I do 20 minutes of ACL prevention along with some sort of core routine for 30 minutes. My goal is to play college soccer so I’ve been practicing soccer every day for a minimum of 2 hours to help me achieve my goal.” – Ashley Peterson, soccer, swimming and track & field, Class of 2022, Canby HS

“On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I run two miles on the treadmill, do an ab workout and an upper body workout. Tuesdays and Thursdays I go down to the high school field and do a ladder workout. Also, on Tuesdays and Thursdays I run sprints. Monday through Saturday I do dribbling drills for an hour. That consists of pound downs all the way to double and triple moves. Every day I go outside and shoot but I still can't beat my older brother in Pig. One day I will beat him though!” – Haley Hargis, basketball, Class of 2023, Lebanon HS