2024 OSAA Cross Country Entries
2024 OSAA / OnPoint Community Credit Union Cross Country State Championships Presented by Nike
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Lane Community College, Eugene, OR
Entries will be posted by 4pm on Sunday, November 3.
Please check for correct spelling of participant's name, year in school, school name, as this information will appear the same way in the souvenir program and in the championship results, unless corrected.
Sunday, November 3, 4pm-8pm: Email Dan Bowdoin at dan@athletictiming.net.
Monday-Friday: Contact Kelly Foster at the OSAA office via email at kellyf@osaa.org.
NOTE: Corrections made after 2pm on Monday, November 4 will not appear in the program.
(1) Individuals: Substitutions for individual qualifiers not members of a qualifying team are not permitted.
(2) Team: Substitutions on qualified teams may be made up to 30 minutes prior to the start of the state championship race at that classification. A team may enter a maximum of seven participants with its top five finishers counting toward team standings.
6A Boys Entries
(as of 8am 11/7/24)
Name Yr Team
BORSCHEL, Reid SR Adrienne Nelson
HARRIS, Luke FR Adrienne Nelson
MEDINA, Aidan SR Adrienne Nelson
NIELSEN, Cooper SO Adrienne Nelson
STOUT, Benjamin JR Adrienne Nelson
STOUT, Evan SO Adrienne Nelson
WALTON, Tyler JR Adrienne Nelson
ALLEMAN, Kaiji SO Central Catholic
BRISCOE, Finn SR Central Catholic
CANADAY, Jack SR Central Catholic
DEVINE, Conal JR Central Catholic
HAWKINS, Mason SR Central Catholic
LUKASIEWICZ, Brady FR Central Catholic
SHORR, Greer JR Central Catholic
CASE, Lucius SO Clackamas
DIAZ-GARCIA, Emilian JR Clackamas
JENSEN, Kai JR Cleveland
IBRAHIM, Farhan SR David Douglas
BROWN, Riley SR Forest Grove
DOBER, Gavin SO Forest Grove
KOSCHMANN, Murray JR Forest Grove
KRIEGER, Ethan SR Forest Grove
LEO, Anthony SR Forest Grove
MARQUIS, Sawyer SR Forest Grove
WILLIS, Stephen SR Forest Grove
BUSKIRK, Jasper JR Franklin
COURCELLE, Zafer SR Franklin
EMERT, Alex SR Franklin
GALLAGHER, Max SO Franklin
MARDON, Izaak JR Franklin
MCEWEN, Brennan SR Franklin
MCQUILLEN, Leaf SR Franklin
FRONGNER, Garrett SR Glencoe
HOLT, Ethan JR Glencoe
KLINGLER, Jared SR Glencoe
LONG, Tyler SR Glencoe
MASON, Logan SR Glencoe
SHAW, Spencer SR Glencoe
WHITE, Nathan JR Glencoe
GILKEY, Grady JR Grant
HASSER, Colton JR Grant
PAULSON, Liam JR Grant
RUMBERGER, Nathaniel SR Grant
SNIFFEN, Edgar FR Grant
HOSKINS, Trace SR Grants Pass
PARKER, Cole JR Gresham
BERKAW, Chase SR Ida B. Wells
BORGMEIER, Max SR Ida B. Wells
MASOLO, Luca JR Ida B. Wells
MILLER, Casey SR Ida B. Wells
MITCHELL, Lev JR Ida B. Wells
SELLERS, Otto JR Ida B. Wells
ZEITZER, Noah SR Ida B. Wells
O'NEAL, Henry SR Jefferson
RADECKI, Roman SR Jefferson
DONNELLY, Liam JR Jesuit
FLEMING, Loland SR Jesuit
FLETCHER, Brayden JR Jesuit
STRUB, Coen SR Jesuit
WELSH, Jackson JR Jesuit
WILLIAMS, Kellen JR Jesuit
WROBLEWSKI, Matthew JR Jesuit
COOK, Rowan SO Lake Oswego
EFTEKHAR, Rylan SR Lake Oswego
HAYASHI, Chris JR Lake Oswego
LOONEY, Bryce SR Lake Oswego
MANNING, Colin SR Lake Oswego
SHI, Logan JR Lake Oswego
TOBIN, Asher SO Lake Oswego
GODFREY, Beckett JR Lakeridge
YATES, Carter JR Liberty
CHADDICK, Jackson SR Lincoln
DENTON, Jack SO Lincoln
DIMOFF, Malcolm SO Lincoln
GOSSELIN, Connor JR Lincoln
JAMES, Peter SO Lincoln
LEE, Finn SR Lincoln
WOOLF, Jackson SR Lincoln
HEPNER, Joshua SR McDaniel
BLANK, Gustav SR McMinnville
CARPENTER, Isaiah SO McMinnville
CLACK, Garrett SO McNary
ESTRADA, Vince SR McNary
HERRING, Jaxsen SO McNary
JONES, Derek SR McNary
KAEHLER, Brayden SR McNary
OLMOS, Jacob SR McNary
PICAZO, Yosef JR McNary
FRANCK, Lucas JR Mountainside
SATTERLEE, Lucas SR Mountainside
ZAVALA, Elijah M SR North Medford
MCKENZIE, Hunter SO Oregon City
MORTENSEN, Clark SR Oregon City
REED, Joel SR Oregon City
SCOTT, Tyler SR Oregon City
SOLARI, Cole JR Oregon City
SORENSEN, Logan JR Oregon City
ZORNES, Torsten JR Oregon City
LATHAM, Joseph JR Roseburg
CAMPBELL, Ash JR Sheldon
DANIELS, Caleb FR Sheldon
KEHREIN, Benjamin JR Sheldon
LAW, Camden JR Sheldon
SCHOENHERR, Malachi JR Sheldon
WHITE, Lucas JR Sheldon
EDINGER, Brady SO Sherwood
NATIONS, Ryan JR Sherwood
NORMAN, Kole SO Sherwood
RASMUSSEN, Spencer JR Sherwood
SCHWANZ, Abel SR Sherwood
STEIN, Braden JR Sherwood
WENIGER, Dylan SR Sherwood
AYALA, Benjamin SO South Eugene
FELDHOFF-CHOI, Luca SR South Eugene
JETT, Dakota SO South Eugene
KILEY, Hauke SO South Eugene
SANGHVI, Tejas JR South Eugene
SHIBATA, Yosuke SO South Eugene
SIMMONS, Logan SR South Eugene
DIXON, Ezra SO South Medford
LUKSICH, Gabriel SR South Medford
SCOTT, Devon SR South Medford
MARTIN, Brycen SR South Salem
HAGEN, Anders JR Sprague
HUDGINS, Michael FR Sprague
NEAMAN, Dakota SR Sprague
WEBB, Anderson SO Sprague
WILLIAMS, Colin SR Sprague
ALLEN, Corbin SR Sunset
CHESIRE, Ethan JR Sunset
GAETE, Santiago SR Sunset
OLSON, Ronan SO Sunset
TESFU, Aman JR Sunset
HRETCANU, Paul SO Tigard
MCLEAN, Jack SR Tigard
EHRHART, Alex SR Tualatin
AGUILAR AULD, Charle SO West Linn
BROWN, Leo SO West Linn
BROWN, Tai JR West Linn
BUSH, Emerson SO West Linn
COMPAORE, Isaac SO West Linn
LIPPERT, Ryan SR West Linn
SOBOTTA, Lucas JR West Linn
BELL, Justin SR West Salem
FENSKE, Garrett SR West Salem
HENKEL, Trevor SR West Salem
MARKLE, Brandon SR West Salem
MCGUIRK, Dylan JR West Salem
RODRIGUEZ, David JR West Salem
TERZENBACH, Maximili SO West Salem
CIFTCI, Demir JR Westview
HAM, Ammon JR Westview
2024 OSAA / OnPoint Community Credit Union Cross Country State Championships Presented by Nike
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Lane Community College, Eugene, OR
Entries will be posted by 4pm on Sunday, November 3.
Please check for correct spelling of participant's name, year in school, school name, as this information will appear the same way in the souvenir program and in the championship results, unless corrected.
Sunday, November 3, 4pm-8pm: Email Dan Bowdoin at dan@athletictiming.net.
Monday-Friday: Contact Kelly Foster at the OSAA office via email at kellyf@osaa.org.
NOTE: Corrections made after 2pm on Monday, November 4 will not appear in the program.
(1) Individuals: Substitutions for individual qualifiers not members of a qualifying team are not permitted.
(2) Team: Substitutions on qualified teams may be made up to 30 minutes prior to the start of the state championship race at that classification. A team may enter a maximum of seven participants with its top five finishers counting toward team standings.
6A Girls Entries
(as of 8am 11/7/24)
Name Yr Team
GREEN, Kylie SR Adrienne Nelson
HARRIS, Lily JR Adrienne Nelson
HARRISON, Molly JR Adrienne Nelson
KINCADE, Madelyn FR Adrienne Nelson
NELSON, Molly JR Adrienne Nelson
PEREZ, Sophia SO Adrienne Nelson
SUMMERS, Natalie FR Adrienne Nelson
BARANSKI, Lauren JR Central Catholic
CARLSTON, Samantha FR Central Catholic
DANISH, Mira SR Central Catholic
KNUTSON, Shelby SR Central Catholic
PHELPS, Marilyn JR Central Catholic
SUMNER, Kayley JR Central Catholic
TALUKDAR, Soraya JR Central Catholic
LINDAMAN, Anna JR Clackamas
NESMITH, Abigail JR Clackamas
NORD, Bella SO Clackamas
GARDNER, Charlotte JR Cleveland
HENRIKSEN, Freya SO Forest Grove
FAJARDO, Alison SO Franklin
FRASER, Liv JR Franklin
MERIDA, Soraya SO Franklin
MILES, Peyton SR Franklin
ROBERTSON, Emily SR Franklin
ROBERTSON, Hailie SR Franklin
VAN, Ailinh SR Franklin
PRUSS, Isabelle SR Glencoe
CAMPBELL, Amelia SR Grant
JACOBS, Ingrid SR Grant
KIMURA, Sofia SO Grant
LANGE, Reese SR Grant
STREICH, Marina SR Grant
ALLEN, Addison SO Grants Pass
ALLEN, Olivia FR Grants Pass
GREEN, Alexa JR Grants Pass
GREY, Nettle SR Grants Pass
LANGE, Sophia JR Grants Pass
MARCUS, Zoe JR Grants Pass
WEBER, Taylor SR Grants Pass
COCHRAN, Anaya SR Ida B. Wells
COFFEY-READ, Jane JR Ida B. Wells
GIPP, Teia SR Ida B. Wells
HURD, Avila SR Ida B. Wells
MOYLAN, Samantha FR Ida B. Wells
ROBINSON, Bella SR Ida B. Wells
VEILLETTE, Sabine SR Ida B. Wells
BENNETT, Emma SR Jesuit
DASKALOS, Georgia SR Jesuit
HAEFELI, Bella FR Jesuit
O'SCANNLAIN, Maura SR Jesuit
WELSH, Elizabeth SO Jesuit
HOWARD, Sofie SR Lake Oswego
MEGOWAN, Cordelia JR Lake Oswego
PETERS, Ana SR Lake Oswego
PILSTROM, Raquel SR Lake Oswego
PLASSE, Noelle SR Lake Oswego
SHELDON, Taylor JR Lake Oswego
THOMPSON, Joelle SR Lake Oswego
BRAKENHIELM, Sigrid SR Lakeridge
FLECK, Rachel SR Lakeridge
GONZALEZ, Alexis SR Lakeridge
HOULIHAN, Grace JR Lakeridge
HUYLER, Chloe SR Lakeridge
HUYLER, Hannah SR Lakeridge
MERRILL, Kaya JR Lakeridge
DETTLING, Mathilde JR Lincoln
HENRIKSEN, Elyse JR Lincoln
HORSPOOL, Emma SR Lincoln
LINCOLN, Ellery SO Lincoln
MALINOSKI, Sophia SR Lincoln
NITTA, Reiko SR Lincoln
REID, Sam SR Lincoln
ANDREW, Grace FR McMinnville
BUDZIK, Mya SR McMinnville
MCPHILLIPS, Josephin SO McMinnville
ROBINSON, Kathleen SO McMinnville
RUE, Yemi SR McMinnville
STRUK, Daisy SR McMinnville
CULLIGAN, Aubrey SR Mountainside
OBLAD, Miranda JR Mountainside
WHEATLEY, Abigail JR Newberg
CROOKS, Evlyn FR North Medford
ZAVALA, Lily SO North Medford
DALGAS, Nelida JR North Salem
CARRILLO, Grace JR Oregon City
ECKMAN, Sylvia SR Roseburg
WEDELL, Lilley SR Sandy
CZARNECKI, Sylvia SR Sheldon
WASHINGTON, Jazlene FR Sheldon
BUGHER, Senoya SR Sherwood
BUGHER, Evylee SO Sherwood
GRUNOW, Anna SR Sherwood
SAPPENFIELD, Grace JR Sherwood
SHIMP, Hayden SO Sherwood
THOMAS, Tyler SO Sherwood
TOMB, Lucy FR Sherwood
BAWDEN, Julianne FR South Eugene
BLAKE, Frances JR South Eugene
CHANDLER, Sydney JR South Eugene
LUDWIG, Cora SO South Eugene
MAVES, Lila FR South Eugene
MCCART, Elizabeth SR South Eugene
ZEMPER-PRILL, Madiso JR South Eugene
FJARLI, Kahryn FR South Medford
MEJIA, Cyerra SR South Medford
KOLB, Chloe SR South Salem
JOHNSON, Jovi FR Sprague
JONES, Tatum JR Sprague
LONIGAN, Gitte SR Sprague
NEWTON, Lillian SO Sprague
ROBIN, Emilie SR Sprague
TERZENBACH, Isabella SR Sprague
WOLF, Annabelle JR Sprague
NELSON, Adelaide JR St Mary's Academy
BAKER, Ellie SO Sunset
CARTER, Ravenna SR Sunset
CESAR, Naomi SO Sunset
CHARON, Kayley JR Sunset
D'SOUZA, Jessica JR Sunset
OLSON, Nora SR Sunset
SCHAEFFER, Elissa JR Sunset
BAXTER, Meadow JR Tigard
BENJAMIN, Mackenzie SR Tigard
HEIDT, Leah JR Tigard
JOULE, Sydney SO Tigard
RUST, Makaila JR Tigard
SERVICE, Sophia FR Tigard
THOMPSON, Chloe SR Tigard
GERLACH, Lauren SO Tualatin
WYATT, Eleanor FR West Linn
AMMON, Casey FR West Salem
BORN, Natalie FR West Salem
EVANS, Abigail JR West Salem
MEIER, Avery JR West Salem
OLSON, Madelyn SO West Salem
RASCA, Mia JR West Salem
WOODS, Samantha SR West Salem
GATTON, Emily JR Westview
GAUGEL, Olivia SR Westview
KOEHRSEN, Ava SR Westview
MARGASON, Chloe SR Westview
PANTELL, Amara FR Westview
SANDGREN, Ella SR Westview
TAYLOR, Nicole SR Westview
RICHMOND, Piper FR Willamette
2024 OSAA / OnPoint Community Credit Union Cross Country State Championships Presented by Nike
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Lane Community College, Eugene, OR
Entries will be posted by 4pm on Sunday, November 3.
Please check for correct spelling of participant's name, year in school, school name, as this information will appear the same way in the souvenir program and in the championship results, unless corrected.
Sunday, November 3, 4pm-8pm: Email Dan Bowdoin at dan@athletictiming.net.
Monday-Friday: Contact Kelly Foster at the OSAA office via email at kellyf@osaa.org.
NOTE: Corrections made after 2pm on Monday, November 4 will not appear in the program.
(1) Individuals: Substitutions for individual qualifiers not members of a qualifying team are not permitted.
(2) Team: Substitutions on qualified teams may be made up to 30 minutes prior to the start of the state championship race at that classification. A team may enter a maximum of seven participants with its top five finishers counting toward team standings.
5A Boys Entries
(as of 8am 11/7/24)
Name Yr Team
DENNIS, Keelan SR Bend
LYKE, Finley JR Bend
SOUTH, Emmett SO Bend
STALEY, Calvin FR Bend
WENGER, Caden FR Bend
CLARK, Owen SR Caldera
DONALDSON, Noah JR Caldera
HARRIS, Luke SR Caldera
JACKSON, Nash SO Caldera
MCCOWN, Ash SR Caldera
MORICAL, Mason JR Caldera
YATES, Conor FR Caldera
DEWAR, Andrew SR Canby
BUTLER, Thomas SO Central
CIRINO, Ty JR Central
HAYES, Aaron SR Central
KORBE, Keagan JR Central
SWARTZFAGER, Truman SR Central
TAYLOR, Evan JR Central
WENDRING, Aidan JR Central
AVILA, Eduardo FR Churchill
BRIGGS, Alexander SR Churchill
KERNS, Kai SR Churchill
PIECHOWICZ, Athens JR Churchill
PRENEVOST, Kobi SR Churchill
RHOADS, Wiley SR Churchill
SOEBY, Tautai JR Churchill
BETTS, Miles JR Corvallis
BOOTH, Logan JR Corvallis
FIEGENER, Dylan SR Corvallis
FIEGENER, Cole SR Corvallis
GORDON, Cooper SR Corvallis
WEISEL, Jack SR Corvallis
WROLSTAD, Saffin SO Corvallis
FAUGHT, Garrett FR Crater
HEADLEY, Grant SR Crater
HOKANSON, Ivar SR Crater
HVALL, Reece SO Crater
KITCHEN, Tayvon SR Crater
MIRACLE, Maxwell SO Crater
TOSTENSON, Josiah SR Crater
HARDY, Samuel SR Crescent Valley
LINVOG, Kohl SR Crescent Valley
NORRIS, Oliver SO Crescent Valley
ROBERTSON, Gavin SO Crescent Valley
TOKARCZYK, Nikolas SR Crescent Valley
VAN TRESS, William JR Crescent Valley
VELEZ, Josiah SR Crescent Valley
COFFMAN, Victor JR Hood River Valley
KERR, Davis SR Hood River Valley
KING, Logan SR Hood River Valley
KNOLL, Sam JR Hood River Valley
LOUIS, Copeland FR Hood River Valley
MORETTI, Andres FR Hood River Valley
WAGNER, Kai SR Hood River Valley
THOMAS, Gordon SR La Salle Prep
ALDRIDGE, Hayden JR Milwaukie-Milwaukie
FLORES, Mateo SO Milwaukie-Milwaukie
LEVINSOHN, Eli JR Milwaukie-Milwaukie
MORENO, Matteo JR Milwaukie-Milwaukie
POULSON-OWENS, Lando JR Milwaukie-Milwaukie
SCHMIDT, Arlo JR Milwaukie-Milwaukie
STONE, Hayden JR Milwaukie-Milwaukie
DAVIS, Grant SO North Eugene
DAVIS, Alder JR North Eugene
MCKINLEY, Josiah JR North Eugene
MCKINNIS, Ashenafi SO North Eugene
ROOSEBOOM, Moses JR North Eugene
SCHNIDER, Lucas FR North Eugene
WOFFORD, Joseph SR North Eugene
LIDDELL, Nathan JR Ridgeview
AKER, AJ SR Silverton
ARTHUR, JD SR Silverton
BIELEMEIER, Carter JR Silverton
BRITTON, Ryder SR Silverton
EUBANKS, Eli SR Silverton
HOLLIS, Brody JR Silverton
HURLEY, Jack SR Silverton
CAMPBELL, Zander SR South Albany
BOAZ, Hudson SO Summit
BOAZ, Hayden SR Summit
BOLLOM, Cooper JR Summit
DEAN-ZIEGLER, Jackso SR Summit
MEIER, Ben SR Summit
MILLER, Finn SR Summit
BUERGEY, Carson JR Thurston
BERTELL, Kaden SO Wilsonville
DOUGALL, Tyler SO Wilsonville
DOUGALL, Jacob SR Wilsonville
FISH, Parker SR Wilsonville
FISH, Hayden SO Wilsonville
GRANT, Brady JR Wilsonville
WILDE, Liam JR Wilsonville
2024 OSAA / OnPoint Community Credit Union Cross Country State Championships Presented by Nike
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Lane Community College, Eugene, OR
Entries will be posted by 4pm on Sunday, November 3.
Please check for correct spelling of participant's name, year in school, school name, as this information will appear the same way in the souvenir program and in the championship results, unless corrected.
Sunday, November 3, 4pm-8pm: Email Dan Bowdoin at dan@athletictiming.net.
Monday-Friday: Contact Kelly Foster at the OSAA office via email at kellyf@osaa.org.
NOTE: Corrections made after 2pm on Monday, November 4 will not appear in the program.
(1) Individuals: Substitutions for individual qualifiers not members of a qualifying team are not permitted.
(2) Team: Substitutions on qualified teams may be made up to 30 minutes prior to the start of the state championship race at that classification. A team may enter a maximum of seven participants with its top five finishers counting toward team standings.
5A Girls Entries
(as of 8am 11/7/24)
Name Yr Team
KUPKA, Natalie FR Ashland
SCHMIDT, Mackenzie JR Ashland
BOGGS, Georgia FR Bend
CRAVEN, Leah SR Bend
HIGHLAND, Sophia FR Bend
HIVELY, Noelle FR Bend
MILLER, Hannah FR Bend
ROWLES, Magnolia SO Bend
BRADBURY, Aspen SO Caldera
CARNEY, Maddie SO Caldera
COLQUHOUN, Ellie SR Caldera
CRAMP, Sage SR Caldera
HEINLY, Alison SR Caldera
KOERNIG, Mia SR Caldera
MORICAL, Miley FR Caldera
BIGEJ, Kenzie SR Canby
BURKE, Audrey SR Canby
CUTSFORTH, Macallan SO Canby
ENSRUD, Emilia SO Canby
FOX, Maddie JR Canby
GENSMAN, Rachelle SO Canby
BUZZARD, Emma JR Corvallis
HALL, Eva SO Corvallis
SHAFF, Calla JR Corvallis
SIMS, Abigail SO Corvallis
STORER, Hazel SO Corvallis
WILLIAMS, Lucia JR Corvallis
BARSALOU, Haddie SO Crater
DAVENPORT, Brynn SO Crater
DAVENPORT, Claire JR Crater
DUNLAP, Mari FR Crater
GARNICA, Reese JR Crater
HAVNIEAR, Grace SO Crater
WEST, Emma SR Crater
GDONTAKIS-POS, Althe SR Crescent Valley
KELLY, Sasha SR Crescent Valley
MONTGOMERY, Zoe SO Crescent Valley
ROSLING, Ella JR Crescent Valley
VAN TRESS, Hallee FR Crescent Valley
WEISS, Lillian JR Crescent Valley
WISNIEWSKI, Emily SR Crescent Valley
GREEN, Tanya JR Dallas
GREEN, Amber SO Dallas
IRVING, Jazmine SR Dallas
OLLIFF, Polly SR Dallas
PEIRCE, Jozie SO Dallas
RODLI, Kelsey JR Dallas
PERRIN, Syl JR Hood River Valley
CRIMIN, Maya SR La Salle Prep
RIEL, Melly SR La Salle Prep
CHACON, Eliana SR North Eugene
CHRISTIANSON, Alita SO North Eugene
GARCIA, Olivia JR North Eugene
GROSHONG, Peyton JR North Eugene
HILSON, Teia FR North Eugene
PHIPPS, Cricket JR North Eugene
RUSHING, Kaelynn FR North Eugene
COX, Jennifer (Jenny FR Putnam
DEPUE, Lyndhi JR Putnam
FLOWERDAY, Grace SR Putnam
LUCAS, Juliet FR Putnam
SALVIONE, Gabriella SR Putnam
SENFFNER, Ruby JR Putnam
DALISKY, Addison FR Silverton
ENZENBERGER, Lexi JR Silverton
KINTZ, Rachael SR Silverton
MOHR, Charlee SO Silverton
SCHNEIDER, Ellie FR Silverton
SEEDER, Sophia JR Silverton
VAZQUEZ-TREJO, Natal SR Silverton
AUXIER, Ellen SO Springfield
NADEAU, Natalie SR Springfield
SOMMERVILLE, Audrey SR Springfield
UEHLIN, Olivia FR Springfield
VASQUEZ LOPEZ, Diana JR Springfield
WELLS, Bella FR Springfield
WING, Halle JR Springfield
ARNOLD, Dailey SR Summit
CAPOZZI, Sophia JR Summit
CARMICHAEL, Cassidy FR Summit
CARPENTER, Abigail FR Summit
KNOX, Skye JR Summit
WRIGHT, Edie SO Summit
BLACK, Georgia FR Wilsonville
BROGREN, Maylin SO Wilsonville
DYER, Sophia SR Wilsonville
KIPE, Jadyn SR Wilsonville
KOEHLER, Alix FR Wilsonville
MCLEAN, Isabella SO Wilsonville
TADEMA, Juliet FR Wilsonville
2024 OSAA / OnPoint Community Credit Union Cross Country State Championships Presented by Nike
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Lane Community College, Eugene, OR
Entries will be posted by 4pm on Sunday, November 3.
Please check for correct spelling of participant's name, year in school, school name, as this information will appear the same way in the souvenir program and in the championship results, unless corrected.
Sunday, November 3, 4pm-8pm: Email Dan Bowdoin at dan@athletictiming.net.
Monday-Friday: Contact Kelly Foster at the OSAA office via email at kellyf@osaa.org.
NOTE: Corrections made after 2pm on Monday, November 4 will not appear in the program.
(1) Individuals: Substitutions for individual qualifiers not members of a qualifying team are not permitted.
(2) Team: Substitutions on qualified teams may be made up to 30 minutes prior to the start of the state championship race at that classification. A team may enter a maximum of seven participants with its top five finishers counting toward team standings.
4A Boys Entries
(as of 8am 11/7/24)
Name Yr Team
LAMAN, William JR Astoria
BROWN, Daniel SR Baker-Powder Valley
JOSEPH, Jack JR Baker-Powder Valley
ALBRECHT, Jennings FR Cottage Grove
BENGTSON, Carter SR Cottage Grove
CULBERT, David JR Cottage Grove
GARCIA, Frank JR Cottage Grove
GIFFORD, Jackson JR Cottage Grove
HANKE, Micah SO Cottage Grove
HUTCHINS, Easton SR Cottage Grove
BARKER, Riddley JR Crook County
CRASS, Adam FR Crook County
DAVIS, Hunter JR Crook County
HARPER, Taylor SR Crook County
RADABAUGH, Adam SR Crook County
SWICK, Josiah JR Crook County
WHITING, Kannon SO Crook County
SIMONSEN, Titus SO Henley
MOLINE, Peter JR Hidden Valley
BROWN, Logan JR Klamath Union
HIGGINS, Jonny FR Klamath Union
KLECKER, Tristan SO Klamath Union
MARTIN, Jacob JR Klamath Union
POTTER, John SR Klamath Union
SOUTHWELL, Jonas SO Klamath Union
SQUIBB, Callum FR Klamath Union
AZURE, Huntyn FR La Grande
FINE, Dane SR La Grande
GISI, Jonathan FR La Grande
HAWKS, Noah FR La Grande
MAY, Kaden FR La Grande
MORAN, Chadwick SO La Grande
SIMONIS, Josef JR La Grande
BAKER, Joaquin FR Marist
KLENKE, Karsten SO Marist
MANNING, Luke SR Marist
MAY, Andrew SO Marist
MCCONAGHIE, Michael JR Marist
SAGE, Corbin SO Marist
THOMPSON, Conor SR Marist
STOVALL, Jaxson JR Marshfield
BARAJAS, Christopher SR Mazama
CORTES, Jecel SR Molalla
HAYES, John SR Molalla
KENTON, Tyler SO Molalla
KENTON, Jake SO Molalla
MARSHAL, Isaac SO Molalla
TERRY, Otto JR Molalla
WOOD, Nick SO Molalla
ALBAVERA, David FR Newport
BROWN, Connor SR Newport
CHANDLER, Avery SO Newport
FARIAS, Ivan SR Newport
FLORES, Gabriel SO Newport
LARSEN, Noah SR Newport
SOLTAU, Izaiah SR Newport
HALLY, Jack SR Ontario
ADAMS, Maliki JR Pendleton
BAISLEY, Eric SR Pendleton
BROWN, Khoda JR Pendleton
MORIOKA, Mason SR Pendleton
REYNOLDS, Jack JR Pendleton
ROBINSON, Autry SO Pendleton
STEELE, Jefferson JR Pendleton
HERNANDEZ, Jacob SO Philomath
HERNANDEZ, Samuel FR Philomath
HERNANDEZ, Lukas JR Philomath
LEWIS, JJ SR Philomath
MURCH, Galen SO Philomath
PAUSCH, Leo JR Philomath
STEVENS, Mason JR Philomath
ACORD, William SO Phoenix
DAVIS, Quin SO Phoenix
DECKER, Cail SO Phoenix
GANNAWAY, Trevor SO Phoenix
POTOCHNICK, Lincoln JR Phoenix
PYEATT, William SR Phoenix
QUINTANA, Javier SR Phoenix
CHRISTENSEN, Javen JR Scappoose
FORNEY, Taj SR Scappoose
HAAS, Tristan FR Scappoose
LEADER, Charlie SR Scappoose
MASSEY, Olen FR Scappoose
WESTLUND, Henry SO Scappoose
WOLFE, Daniel JR Scappoose
ZUSCHLAG, Ben SR St Helens
WAGAR, Brandon FR Stayton
CALDWELL, Caleb SR The Dalles
ERICKSON, Aiden JR The Dalles
HODGES, Trey SR The Dalles
LONG, Tyson JR The Dalles
PRESTON, Noah JR The Dalles
SORENSON, Luke FR The Dalles
STELZER, Zebulun (Ze SO The Dalles
AVERILL, Matthew SR Tillamook
GRIFFETH, Cole SO Tillamook
KISER, Damien SO Tillamook
LOPES, Andrew SO Tillamook
SHEETS, Ryan JR Tillamook
VALENCIA, Tristan SO Tillamook
VELAZQUEZ, Diego SO Tillamook
2024 OSAA / OnPoint Community Credit Union Cross Country State Championships Presented by Nike
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Lane Community College, Eugene, OR
Entries will be posted by 4pm on Sunday, November 3.
Please check for correct spelling of participant's name, year in school, school name, as this information will appear the same way in the souvenir program and in the championship results, unless corrected.
Sunday, November 3, 4pm-8pm: Email Dan Bowdoin at dan@athletictiming.net.
Monday-Friday: Contact Kelly Foster at the OSAA office via email at kellyf@osaa.org.
NOTE: Corrections made after 2pm on Monday, November 4 will not appear in the program.
(1) Individuals: Substitutions for individual qualifiers not members of a qualifying team are not permitted.
(2) Team: Substitutions on qualified teams may be made up to 30 minutes prior to the start of the state championship race at that classification. A team may enter a maximum of seven participants with its top five finishers counting toward team standings.
4A Girls Entries
(as of 8am 11/7/24)
Name Yr Team
ANDERSCH, Arianah SO Baker
GRESSLEY, Matty FR Baker
HERIZA, Ruby SO Baker
KAAEN, Sofia SR Baker
RASMUSSEN, Gwendolyn JR Baker
TIMM, Elizabeth SO Baker
TRACY, Grace FR Baker
KUENZI, Makaila JR Cascade
CARDWELL, Ella JR Cottage Grove
DUBBS, Lilly FR Cottage Grove
FERGASON, Hailey SO Cottage Grove
FRANCE, Maddison SR Cottage Grove
KNUTSON, Carly FR Cottage Grove
KNUTSON, Zoey JR Cottage Grove
PALLUCK, Allison SR Cottage Grove
CARNE, Patagonia (Pa SR Crook County
CRASS, Natalia SR Crook County
KLANN, Ellie SO Crook County
LACHAT, Claire FR Crook County
NYSTUL, Elizabeth SO Crook County
RICE, Jane JR Crook County
SNIDER, Ruby SR Crook County
BENSON, Randi SR Henley
GINESTAR, Josie FR Henley
SCHULTZ, Macie SO Henley
WELCH, Kiera JR Henley
WHITAKER, Kelsey SR Henley
WHITE, Saige FR Henley
BUENAU, Eva JR Junction City
DICKSON, Kate SR Junction City
ESPLIN, Lola JR Junction City
FOX, Libby SR Junction City
HOLTON, Kylie JR Junction City
LEACH, Fiona FR Junction City
SKILES, Cassie FR Junction City
BAUMANN, Elsie SO Klamath Union
HIGGINS, Leona JR Klamath Union
MITCHELL, Olivia FR Klamath Union
NELSON, Allie FR Klamath Union
PYFER, Hallie SO Klamath Union
RODRIGUEZ, Eleanor JR Klamath Union
SQUIBB, Hazel JR Klamath Union
GRIGG, Eve FR La Grande
JONES, Kylie FR La Grande
KRETSCHMER, Kimber FR La Grande
LEES, Ella FR La Grande
PERRY, Brooke JR La Grande
RADKE, Carleigh SO La Grande
PICARD, Emily SR Madras
SHAH, Lucy SO Marist
BALL, Mackenzie FR Molalla
CLARK, Madison JR Molalla
CLARK, Keira FR Molalla
JENSON, Annalyse JR Molalla
JENSON, Anika JR Molalla
PETERSON, Naomi JR Molalla
CURTIS, Alexandra SO Newport
HORNING, Addison FR North Bend
MASSEY, Ellieana (El JR North Bend
POZAR, Ella FR Pendleton
TUNE, Melissa SR Pendleton
BECKSTEAD, Adele SR Philomath
KING, Lucy JR Philomath
LATTIN, Melea SR Philomath
MCDANIEL, Hanna SR Philomath
MORRISON, Hallie SR Philomath
NUNO, Reagan FR Philomath
SMART, Cassidy FR Philomath
POLANSKY, Aleah SO Phoenix
BAKER, Freddie FR Scappoose
BEUTLER, Aimie SR Scappoose
BOURGOINE, Taylor JR Scappoose
BOURGOINE, Lyla SO Scappoose
HALBERG, Addison SR Scappoose
PAUL, Norah FR Scappoose
STRANG, Aubrey SR Scappoose
MENKE, Maddie JR Seaside
BELL, Amalia SO Stayton
HUNT, Laela FR Stayton
SCHACHER, Madison SO Stayton
STRAWN, Ruby SO Stayton
WELCH, Evelyn JR Stayton
WHITTON, Emma FR Sweet Home
BLACK, Laura JR The Dalles
BRACE, Josie FR The Dalles
CASADY, Alaina SR The Dalles
HODGES, Kestley SO The Dalles
KAHLER, Ember FR The Dalles
PERRY, Marley SO The Dalles
POPE, Abigail JR The Dalles
BUSH, Elly SR Tillamook
BUSH, Brooke SO Tillamook
ERICKSON, Meghan SR Tillamook
GOODELL, Julia SR Tillamook
HOPKES, Reese SO Tillamook
WERNER, Hannah FR Tillamook
2024 OSAA / OnPoint Community Credit Union Cross Country State Championships Presented by Nike
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Lane Community College, Eugene, OR
Entries will be posted by 4pm on Sunday, November 3.
Please check for correct spelling of participant's name, year in school, school name, as this information will appear the same way in the souvenir program and in the championship results, unless corrected.
Sunday, November 3, 4pm-8pm: Email Dan Bowdoin at dan@athletictiming.net.
Monday-Friday: Contact Kelly Foster at the OSAA office via email at kellyf@osaa.org.
NOTE: Corrections made after 2pm on Monday, November 4 will not appear in the program.
(1) Individuals: Substitutions for individual qualifiers not members of a qualifying team are not permitted.
(2) Team: Substitutions on qualified teams may be made up to 30 minutes prior to the start of the state championship race at that classification. A team may enter a maximum of seven participants with its top five finishers counting toward team standings.
3A Boys Entries
(as of 8am 11/7/24)
Name Yr Team
ABNAL, Alejandro JR Banks
BAIR, Max SR Banks
DIANI, Omar JR Banks
DIANI, Amin JR Banks
EVERS, Hudson SR Banks
LIPSCOMB, Caplin SO Banks
MCCONNELL, Douglas SO Banks
DOWNS, Thad SO Burns-Crane
JOYCE, Tanner SR Burns-Crane
MILLER, Lucian JR Burns-Crane
MORRIS, Talon SR Burns-Crane
SEWELL, Rueben FR Burns-Crane
STEINHOFF, Tavin FR Burns-Crane
WEBB, Gabe FR Burns-Crane
CRISP, Nash JR Cascade Christian
CARMAN, Jude SR Elmira
GONNELLA, Nathan SO Enterprise-Joseph-Wallowa
GONNELLA, Sam SR Enterprise-Joseph-Wallowa
GOODRICH, Lucas SR Enterprise-Joseph-Wallowa
LEAVITT, Jett SR Enterprise-Joseph-Wallowa
PERRY, Xander SR Enterprise-Joseph-Wallowa
SAMPLES, Nicholas JR Enterprise-Joseph-Wallowa
STUCKI, Vander JR Enterprise-Joseph-Wallowa
PACE, Jack SR Glide
RIVERA, Chris SR Glide
SAHR, Zach JR Glide
SHEPPARD, Steven SR Glide
SHEPPARD, Peter SR Glide
HENDERSON, John JR Harrisburg
ALBRECHTSEN, Ansel JR Neah-Kah-Nie
DANTE, Clayton JR Neah-Kah-Nie
GIBSON, Liam JR Neah-Kah-Nie
KIRBY, Gus SO Neah-Kah-Nie
MCILVENNA, Jacob SR Neah-Kah-Nie
STUHRBERG, Karl JR Neah-Kah-Nie
WEISS, R SO Neah-Kah-Nie
BECK, Richard FR Nyssa
DELEON, Jose SR Nyssa
FUENTES, Demetries SR Nyssa
SANTANA, Pedro FR Nyssa
TRINIDAD, Diego JR Nyssa
VAZQUEZ, Andres FR Nyssa
FRIAS, Diego SR Oregon Episcopal
GANTZOS, Ronan JR Oregon Episcopal
GILSTER, Leif SO Oregon Episcopal
JAMIESON, R.E. SR Oregon Episcopal
KING, Tanner SR Oregon Episcopal
ROTHENBERG, Charlie FR Oregon Episcopal
SULLIVAN, Quinn SO Oregon Episcopal
ROPER, Gage SO Pleasant Hill
HAMMOND, Nathen JR Riverside
DONNE, Tyler SO Santiam Christian
GLASS, Jaxson FR Santiam Christian
MONTGOMERY, Conway JR Santiam Christian
NESS, Jordan FR Santiam Christian
ROBINSON, Benjamin SR Santiam Christian
SCHWEITZER, Elias FR Santiam Christian
ZAMBRANO, Diego JR Santiam Christian
BERG, John SR Sisters
DALTON, River James FR Sisters
HAYNER, Ben SO Sisters
KEMP, Zachary FR Sisters
PARZYBOK, Jude SR Sisters
ROBERTS, George SR Sisters
TISDEL, Spencer SR Sisters
JENSEN, Sailor FR Siuslaw
JENSEN, Kale JR Siuslaw
KING, Ezra FR Siuslaw
LINTON, Camden JR Siuslaw
NELSON, Bentley FR Siuslaw
STONE, Henry FR Siuslaw
WILSON, Clayton SR Siuslaw
FRITTS, Duncan SO Vale
BROWN, Everett SR Valley Catholic
DAVIS, Peter SR Valley Catholic
HOFFMAN, Benjamin JR Valley Catholic
MATTHIESEN, Wyatt SO Valley Catholic
ROHRER, Emmett SR Valley Catholic
SAMPSON, Harlen FR Valley Catholic
SCHAAL, Elijah JR Valley Catholic
ASPEY, Zayden JR Yamhill-Carlton
BRYANT, Talan SO Yamhill-Carlton
ETTA, Louigi SR Yamhill-Carlton
GUINN, Logan FR Yamhill-Carlton
MCMULLEN, Chase SO Yamhill-Carlton
NORDSTROM, Torsten FR Yamhill-Carlton
PARTIN, Lucas JR Yamhill-Carlton
2024 OSAA / OnPoint Community Credit Union Cross Country State Championships Presented by Nike
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Lane Community College, Eugene, OR
Entries will be posted by 4pm on Sunday, November 3.
Please check for correct spelling of participant's name, year in school, school name, as this information will appear the same way in the souvenir program and in the championship results, unless corrected.
Sunday, November 3, 4pm-8pm: Email Dan Bowdoin at dan@athletictiming.net.
Monday-Friday: Contact Kelly Foster at the OSAA office via email at kellyf@osaa.org.
NOTE: Corrections made after 2pm on Monday, November 4 will not appear in the program.
(1) Individuals: Substitutions for individual qualifiers not members of a qualifying team are not permitted.
(2) Team: Substitutions on qualified teams may be made up to 30 minutes prior to the start of the state championship race at that classification. A team may enter a maximum of seven participants with its top five finishers counting toward team standings.
3A/2A/1A Girls Entries
(as of 8am 11/7/24)
Name Yr Team
JANECEK, Jade JR Banks
KELLY, Rachael FR Banks
SHELLMAN, Lydia SO Banks
WILSON, Meaza SO Banks
WILSON, Adelaide JR Banks
COATS, Emma SR Cascade Christian
CRISP, Raena SR Cascade Christian
GRIFFIN, Saige SR Cascade Christian
MAHAR, Tanaya FR Cascade Christian
ROBERTSON, Samantha JR Cascade Christian
SCAGLIONE, Josie SR Cascade Christian
WINTERS, Madyson JR Cascade Christian
CURTIS, Izzy JR Central Linn
GLENN, Alyse FR Central Linn
GREENO, Alyssa SR Central Linn
GRIFFITH, Anya FR Central Linn
NEAL, Jayne JR Central Linn
WAHL, Georgia JR Central Linn
WOLFF, Addie JR Central Linn
GERTNER, Faith JR Coquille
GERTNER, Grace FR Coquille
HENTHORN, Ella FR Coquille
HUFF, Elizabeth FR Coquille
LUCATERO, Adriana FR Coquille
MEAD, Bryleigh SO Coquille
MILLET, Ada JR Coquille
LALONDE, Daisy SR East Linn Christian
BOYD, Zion JR Enterprise-Joseph-Wallowa
BROWN, Kyra SO Enterprise-Joseph-Wallowa
HARGUESS, Owyhee JR Enterprise-Joseph-Wallowa
HELLINGER, Mary JR Enterprise-Joseph-Wallowa
HURLEY, Abigail JR Enterprise-Joseph-Wallowa
WEER, Camdyn JR Enterprise-Joseph-Wallowa
WEER, Lilly FR Enterprise-Joseph-Wallowa
GOODMAN, Halle FR Glide
ARCHER, Riley JR Heppner-Ione-Condon
HENDRICKS, Brooklyn SO Heppner-Ione-Condon
HENRICHS, Kadie SR Heppner-Ione-Condon
MCDANIEL, Hailey SO Heppner-Ione-Condon
NICHOLS, Lily JR Heppner-Ione-Condon
PUELLES, Laia SO Heppner-Ione-Condon
BINGAMAN, Josephine SO Imbler
BRASETH, Paiten SR Imbler
BRASETH, Paige JR Imbler
DELINT, Kiana SR Imbler
GORDON, Helen SR Imbler
KUNZ, London FR Imbler
PAULSON, Eva JR Imbler
GRAHAM, Aemilia JR Knappa
JACKSON, Emma SO Knappa
JACKSON, Kendall SR Knappa
LACKEY, Zoey FR Knappa
LEMPEA, Mylie JR Knappa
ROE, Kiya JR Knappa
GOERES, Elizabeth SR Lakeview
HALBLIEB, Emma SO Lakeview
BRYANT, Andy FR Oregon Episcopal
EDWARDS, Lauren JR Oregon Episcopal
LEMATTA, Maija JR Oregon Episcopal
PETERS, Evelyn JR Oregon Episcopal
TITTEL, Lauren SR Oregon Episcopal
VASANTH, Kate SO Oregon Episcopal
WIESER, Brooke JR Oregon Episcopal
BROWN, Lindsey FR Pine Eagle
EPPERSON, Ellie SR Pleasant Hill
EPPERSON, Annaleigh FR Pleasant Hill
GARDNER, Kaylee JR Pleasant Hill
JONES, Soleis JR Pleasant Hill
SEATON, Mckayli JR Pleasant Hill
SMITH, Nellie FR Pleasant Hill
WILSON, Piper JR Pleasant Hill
PERSONS, Clara JR Salem Academy
CRABTREE, Althea SO Sisters
DUEY, Brooke JR Sisters
ERDEKIAN, Annalycia SR Sisters
MARTIN, Kiara SR Sisters
ROTH, Mae SR Sisters
RYAN, Josie SO Sisters
WELTY, Helena FR Sisters
HOLBROOK, Adylin JR Siuslaw
HUGHES, Alison JR Siuslaw
JONES, Abigail JR Siuslaw
MCNEILL, Claire FR Siuslaw
MCNEILL, Addison SR Siuslaw
MCNEILL, Macy SR Siuslaw
WELLS, Maya SR Siuslaw
DAMON, Adley FR St Mary's
FIEDLER, Hazel SR Taft
LILLEBO, Sienna SR Taft
WRIGHT, Lily Nevaeh FR Taft
BLACKBURN, Camilla JR Union-Cove
MILLER, Millie SO Union-Cove
PATTON, Josie SR Union-Cove
SAVAGE, Gia SO Union-Cove
WEISHAAR, Taylor JR Union-Cove
CHOI, Lia JR Valley Catholic
KIM, Dana FR Valley Catholic
QUINTOS, Sophia SR Valley Catholic
SCHAAL, Lorelei SR Valley Catholic
SIMMONS, Jaya SR Valley Catholic
SIMMONS, Sierra SR Valley Catholic
WIEBE, Isabelle JR Valley Catholic
ELLIS, Kalkidan JR Western Christian
BROWNLEE, Grace SR Westside Christian
CUMMINGS, Casey FR Westside Christian
MIDDLEBROOKS, Johonn SO Westside Christian
SEALEY, Aniyah JR Westside Christian
SWEENEY, Shannon FR Westside Christian
VANDERGIESSEN, Malea FR Westside Christian
VERMILLION, Mattea SR Westside Christian
2024 OSAA / OnPoint Community Credit Union Cross Country State Championships Presented by Nike
Saturday, November 9, 2024
Lane Community College, Eugene, OR
Entries will be posted by 4pm on Sunday, November 3.
Please check for correct spelling of participant's name, year in school, school name, as this information will appear the same way in the souvenir program and in the championship results, unless corrected.
Sunday, November 3, 4pm-8pm: Email Dan Bowdoin at dan@athletictiming.net.
Monday-Friday: Contact Kelly Foster at the OSAA office via email at kellyf@osaa.org.
NOTE: Corrections made after 2pm on Monday, November 4 will not appear in the program.
(1) Individuals: Substitutions for individual qualifiers not members of a qualifying team are not permitted.
(2) Team: Substitutions on qualified teams may be made up to 30 minutes prior to the start of the state championship race at that classification. A team may enter a maximum of seven participants with its top five finishers counting toward team standings.
2A/1A Boys Entries
(as of 8am 11/7/24)
Name Yr Team
BROWN, Jonah FR Bandon
BROWN, Noah SO Bandon
MILLER, Sawyer JR Bandon
PAHLS, Beckett FR Bandon
SIMONDS, Peyton SR Bandon
SIMONDS, Jackson FR Bandon
WEHNER, Trask FR Bandon
DENISON, Ethan SO Central Linn
DURINGER, Jackson JR Central Linn
ERICKSON, Leif JR Central Linn
LEABO, Gage SO Central Linn
MAST, Creed SO Central Linn
SMITH, Wyatt SO Central Linn
WARE, Don JR Central Linn
CHAPMAN, Isaac SO Glendale
CULLETT, Levi SR Glendale
CULLETT, Ethan JR Glendale
JOHNSON, Riley SO Glendale
LECKIE, Aydin SO Glendale
MEINECKLE, Mika JR Glendale
SOTELO II, Juan JR Glendale
WILSON, Jake SO Heppner-Ione-Condon
HEIER, Taylor SO Illinois Valley
HEIER, Curtiss SR Illinois Valley
BROWN, Soren SR Knappa
JACOBSON, Wyatt JR Knappa
JACOBSON, Orrin SO Knappa
JASPER, Gavin JR Knappa
JUSTUS, Rowdy FR Knappa
PEITSCH, Oskar JR Knappa
PETERSON, Joshua SR Knappa
MEISTER, Will JR McKenzie
DALTON, Corbin JR Mohawk
BLEDSOE, Josh SR Monroe
BLEDSOE, Logan SO Monroe
DILWORTH, Tanner SR Monroe
FANGER, Sean SO Monroe
KOROUSH, Aiden SO Monroe
STANDRIDGE, Jackson SR Monroe
TOUPS, Wyatt SO Monroe
NICHOLSON, Eli SO Myrtle Point
HIGDON, Jonah JR Nestucca
SCHIMMEL, Sun SO Nixyaawii Community
BROWN, Gabe SR Pine Eagle
ACKER, Kaison FR Regis
KOEHNKE, Lucas JR Regis
KOEHNKE, Isaiah SR Regis
LAUBE, Jake JR Regis
STOOPS, Harper SO Regis
WHITMIRE, Kingston SO Regis
CARPENTER, Jacob SO Southwest Christian
COOPER, Caleb SO Southwest Christian
DYCK, Campbell SO Southwest Christian
HOUSE, Maguire JR Southwest Christian
HOUSE, Becker FR Southwest Christian
STOUGHTON, Charlie SO Southwest Christian
WACHSMUTH, Jaylynn SO Southwest Christian
BAILEY, Landon SR Stanfield-Echo
GALINDO, Pablo SR Stanfield-Echo
GALINDO, Antonio SO Stanfield-Echo
MENDEZ, Gabriel JR Stanfield-Echo
SPERR, Jack SR Stanfield-Echo
SWANSTON, Jeremiah SR Stanfield-Echo
THURMAN, Andrew JR Stanfield-Echo
COOLS, Marion JR Trinity Lutheran
COOLS, Calvin FR Trinity Lutheran
DRGASTIN, Rossi FR Trinity Lutheran
ELLIS, Ryan SO Trinity Lutheran
HAGINS, Jack SO Trinity Lutheran
SCHERMER, Mason SO Trinity Lutheran
STEVENSON, Nathan SR Trinity Lutheran
BURTON, Bryce SO Union-Cove
GARLITZ, Ian SO Union-Cove
MALLORY, William JR Union-Cove
MCDONALD, David SR Union-Cove
O'REILLY, Nathanael SR Union-Cove
PEDRO, Gavin SO Union-Cove
RITTER, Mason JR Union-Cove
MCCHESNEY, Matthew SR Veritas
BUEHRER, Cody SR Vernonia
DEWITT, Grady FR Vernonia
MCLEOD, Cannon SR Vernonia
PULTZ, Blake SO Vernonia
VAN LOM, Kaiden SR Vernonia
VAN LOM, Konner JR Vernonia
VAN LOM, Kylan FR Vernonia
BRADLEY, Troy SO Western Christian
CONN, Aidan JR Western Christian
DENNEY, Peter JR Western Christian
ELLIS, Adam FR Western Christian
KOFOID, Reed SO Western Christian
POPP, Jackson JR Western Christian
SHINN, Malachi SO Western Christian
SHAUL, Arden SO Weston-McEwen