Oregon School Activities Association
OnPoint Community Credit Union

Westview Boys Soccer Program

6A (Public)
Regular District
6A-2 Metro League

Team Staff
JV Head Coach
Colin Arnold
JV2 Head Coach
Ben Nelson
Program Information
6A (2024-25)
6A-2 Metro League
Metropolitan Interscholastic Soccer Officials Association
Varsity Contests
14 / 14
Ranking Information
Overall Record
League Record
RPI Record
RPI Rating
RPI Rank
Colley Record
Colley Rating
Colley Rank

Ranking Frozen
10:16 pm, Oct. 29, 2024

» Go Wildcats!
NFHS Network

Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
Done Jamboree
Neutral Site
R 8/29/24 1pm @ TBD (McMinnville Jamboree - McMinnville High School) 10:30am 11am 4:15pm
W 3-1 Non-League T 9/3/24 7pm @ Roosevelt 3:30pm 4:45pm 9pm
L 1-2 Non-League R 9/5/24 7pm vs. Liberty (THPRD Field #1)
W 3-0 Non-League M 9/9/24 7pm @ Putnam 3:30pm 4:45pm 9pm
L 0-1 Non-League R 9/12/24 5pm @ Sherwood 2:30pm 3pm 7:15pm
W 4-1 Non-League M 9/16/24 7pm @ Century 3:30pm 5:30pm 9pm
W 4-0 Non-League R 9/19/24 6:30pm @ Gresham 3:30pm 4pm 8:45pm
W 4-0 Non-League M 9/23/24 6pm @ North Eugene 11:45am Noon 10pm
L 1-2 Non-League R 9/26/24 7pm vs. Tigard
T 2-2 League R 10/3/24 7pm @ Mountainside 3:30pm 5:15pm 9pm
W 4-0 League M 10/7/24 7pm vs. Aloha
L 1-6 League M 10/14/24 7pm vs. Jesuit
W 3-1 League R 10/17/24 7:30pm @ Sunset 3:30pm 6pm 9:45pm
L 0-1 League M 10/21/24 7pm vs. Beaverton
T 2-2 League R 10/24/24 7pm @ Southridge 3:30pm 5:15pm 9pm
W 2-1 Playoff (1) S 11/2/24 2pm @ Central Catholic (Centennial High School)
L 1-6 Playoff (2) T 11/5/24 7pm @ Jesuit
OSAA 6A Rank
Overall Record
League Record
Ranking Frozen
10:16 pm, Oct. 29, 2024
RPI Rank
RPI Record
RPI Rating
Colley Rank
Colley Record
Colley Rating
Rankable Completed Contests
Opponent Result Counted Weight OAWP OAR Colley
9/3 Roosevelt WA 1.2 1.2 0.679 8-3-3 Yes
9/5 Liberty LH 0.0 1.2 0.346 4-8-1 Yes
9/9 Putnam (5A) WA 1.2 1.2 0.269 3-9-1 Yes
9/12 Sherwood LA 0.0 0.8 0.769 8-1-4 Yes
9/16 Century WA 1.2 1.2 0.346 4-8-1 Yes
9/19 Gresham WA 1.2 1.2 0.115 0-10-3 Yes
9/23 North Eugene (5A) WA 1.2 1.2 0.577 6-4-3 Yes
9/26 Tigard LH 0.0 1.2 0.423 4-6-3 Yes
10/3 Mountainside TA 0.6 1.2 0.462 5-6-2 Yes
10/7 Aloha WH 0.8 0.8 0.346 4-8-1 Yes
10/14 Jesuit LH 0.0 1.2 0.808 10-2-1 Yes
10/17 Sunset WA 1.2 1.2 0.346 3-7-3 Yes
10/21 Beaverton LH 0.0 1.2 0.923 11-0-2 Yes
10/24 Southridge TA 0.6 1.2 0.538 7-6 Yes
14 contests 7-5-2
9.2 ÷ 16.0 = 0.575
6.948 ÷ 14 opponents = 0.496
Opponent: Date and opposing team for this rankable contest.
Result: Result for this team: win (W), loss (L), or tie (T). The subscript indicates this team's designation: home team (H), away team (A), or at a neutral site (N).
Weight: Total amount of weighted points possible for this contest.
Counted: Amount of weighted points this team acquired for this contest based on the result.
OAWP: Opponent's Adjusted Winning Percentage, excluding this contest.
OAR: Opponent's Adjusted Record, excluding this contest.
Colley: Is this contest counted in the Colley method? Only contests between Oregon opponents in the same classification and ± 1 classification away are counted.
# C Name Position Grade Height
Andrew LaVoie - Manager 10
Ali Alghamdi - Manager 12
0/0 Deion Herrera 11
00/00 Harjas Singh Chopra 11
2/2 Cayden Wise 10
3/3 Landon Gorder 11
5/5 Alex Galindo Zarate 12
6/6 Oliver White 12
7/7 Liam DeLeon 10
8/8 Wilson Stephens 11
9/9 Kevin Sorcia Santamaria 12
10/10 Masahiro Nakano 12
11/11 Amir Maldonado 11
12/12 Pranav Patil 12
14/14 Luis Barajas 11
15/15 Aldin Didovic 12
16/16 Aaron O'Byrne 11
17/17 Lenny Chavez Calderon 11
18/18 Christopher Fang 11
19/19 Steven Escobar Ruedas 11
28/28 Ryan Kim 12
30/30 Mostafa Wasfy 10
37/37 Kaiden Medina 12
38/38 Luke Brons 11
41/41 Jesse Sledd 12

No Team Photo Found
Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
Done Jamboree
Neutral Site
R 8/29/24 9am @ TBD (McMinnville Jamboree - Baker Field) 7:15am 12:45pm
Done Non-League T 9/3/24 4:15pm @ Roosevelt [JV] (Columbia Park) 2:30pm 2:45pm 6:30pm
Done Non-League M 9/9/24 4:15pm vs. Putnam [JV] (WHS Grass Field)
Done Non-League R 9/12/24 4:15pm vs. Sherwood [JV] (THPRD #5 15707 SW Walker Rd, Beaverton, OR ‎) 3pm 3:15pm 6pm
Done Non-League M 9/16/24 4:30pm @ Century [JV] 3pm 3:15pm 6:15pm
Done Non-League R 9/19/24 4pm @ Gresham [JV] 1:45pm 2pm 5:30pm
Done Non-League M 9/23/24 4pm @ North Eugene [JV] 11:45am Noon 10pm
Done Non-League R 9/26/24 5pm vs. Tigard [JV]
W 2-1 League R 10/3/24 5pm @ Mountainside [JV] 3pm 3:15pm 7pm
Done League M 10/7/24 5pm vs. Aloha [JV]
Done Non-League F 10/11/24 4:15pm vs. Liberty [JV] (Liberty High School, Hillsboro) 3pm 3:15pm 6pm
Done League M 10/14/24 5pm vs. Jesuit [JV]
Done League R 10/17/24 5:30pm @ Sunset [JV] 3:30pm 4:15pm 7:15pm
Done League M 10/21/24 5pm vs. Beaverton [JV]
Done League R 10/24/24 4:30pm @ Southridge [JV] 2:45pm 3pm 6:30pm
# C Name Position Grade Height
00/00 Axel Cortes Barcenas 10
0/0 Stephen Chae 10
10/10 Sayed Ali Hassany 11
21/21 Jackson Lewis 11
23/23 Davis Wilson 11
24/24 Levi Beckman 9
25/25 Ansel Maina 10
26/26 Diego Aguilar-Cabrera 11
27/27 Vihaan Paliwal 10
28/28 Alex Carcamo Sanchez 10
29/29 Gabe Lam 11
30/30 Mostafa Wasfy 10
31/31 Keelan Hersen 10
32/32 Brady Bassett 10
33/33 Daniel Cavalcanti 11
34/34 Caleb McIntosh 11
35/35 John Ramirez 11
36/36 Howie Park 10
39/39 Fernando Olvera-Garcia 11
40/40 Gavin Motherway 10

No Team Photo Found
Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
W 5-2 League W 9/11/24 5pm @ Beaverton [JV2] (JV2 Black vs WHS Red) 3:30pm 3:45pm 7pm
L 0-1 League F 9/13/24 5pm @ Jesuit [JV2] 3:30pm 3:45pm 7pm
Done Non-League M 9/16/24 4:30pm @ Liberty [JV2]
Done League W 9/18/24 4:30pm @ Aloha [JV2] (vs WESTVIEW RED) 2:55pm 3:10pm 6:30pm
T 1-1 League W 9/18/24 5pm @ Mountainside [JV2]
Done League F 9/20/24 4pm vs. Mountainside [JV2] (JV Baseball Field - Grass)
Done Non-League F 9/27/24 4pm vs. Clackamas [JV2] (JV Baseball Field - Grass)
Done Non-League W 10/2/24 4:15pm @ Central Catholic [JV2] (Delta Park) 2:30pm 2:45pm 6:30pm
W 1-0 League F 10/4/24 4pm vs. Sunset [JV2] (JV Baseball Field - Grass (Sunset White))
Done Non-League T 10/8/24 4pm @ Century [JV2] (Hidden Creek Park E (Formerly 53rd)) 2:45pm 3pm 6pm
Done Non-League W 10/9/24 4:30pm @ Tualatin [JV2] 2:30pm 2:45pm 6:45pm
Done League F 10/11/24 6pm @ Jesuit [JV2] (JV Baseball Field - Grass (Jesuit Gold)) 3:30pm 4:45pm 8pm
Done League W 10/16/24 4pm vs. Beaverton [JV2] (JV Baseball Field - Grass (Beaverton Black))
Done League F 10/18/24 4:30pm @ Sunset [JV2] 3:30pm 3:45pm 6:30pm
Done League T 10/22/24 4pm @ Southridge [JV2] 3pm 3:10pm 6:30pm
Done Non-League F 10/25/24 4:30pm @ Forest Grove [JV2] 3pm 3:10pm 6:30pm
# C Name Position Grade Height
No player information to display, yet.

No Team Photo Found
Status Details Date Start Time Opponent Dismiss Depart Return
W 6-0 League W 9/11/24 5pm @ Beaverton [FR] (JV2 Orange vs Blue @ Cedar Park) 3:30pm 3:45pm 7pm
W 2-1 League F 9/13/24 5pm @ Jesuit [FR] 3:30pm 3:45pm 7pm
W 8-0 Non-League M 9/16/24 4:30pm @ Liberty [FR] 3:15pm 3:30pm 6:15pm
T 1-1 League W 9/18/24 5pm @ Mountainside [FR] 3:30pm 3:45pm 7pm
Done Non-League F 9/20/24 4pm vs. Ida B. Wells [FR]
Done Non-League W 9/25/24 4:15pm @ Clackamas [FR] 2:15pm 2:30pm 6:45pm
W 3-1 Non-League F 9/27/24 4pm vs. Reynolds [JV2] (Rock Creek Elementary)
Done Non-League M 9/30/24 7pm @ McMinnville [JV2] 3:30pm 5:15pm 9:15pm
Done League F 10/4/24 4pm vs. Sunset [FR] (Rock Creek Elementary (SHS Purple))
Done League W 10/9/24 4:30pm @ Aloha [JV2] (vs WESTVIEW BLUE) 3:30pm 3:45pm 6:15pm
Done League F 10/11/24 4pm @ Jesuit [FR] 2:30pm 2:45pm 6pm
Done League W 10/16/24 4pm vs. Beaverton [FR] (Rock Creek ES)
Done League F 10/18/24 4:30pm @ Sunset [FR] 3:30pm 3:45pm 6:15pm
# C Name Position Grade Height
No player information to display, yet.

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