Oregon School Activities Association
OnPoint Community Credit Union

Gladstone Boys Wrestling Program

4A (Public)
Regular District
4A-2 Tri-Valley Conference

Team Staff
Head Coach
Butch Self
Asst. Coaches
Carl Sommer, Jeff Roy, Neil Ochs
Program Information
4A (2024-25)
4A-SD1 Special District 1

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NFHS Network

Varsity Schedule

Status Date Day Time Event Host
DONE 12/7 Sat TBD Ranger Classic (Estacada)
Estacada, Gladstone, La Grande, Molalla, Sandy, Seaside, The Dalles
DONE 12/17 Tue 6:00 pm TD Invite (Kurtz Gym The Dalles HS)
Corbett, Echo, Gladstone, McLoughlin, The Dalles
The Dalles
DONE 12/21 Sat 10:00 am Molalla Mayhem (Molalla)
Corbett, Estacada, Gladstone, Molalla, Rainier, Scio, St. Helens, The Dalles, Warrenton, Colton
DONE 1/3 Fri 10:00 am White Buffalo Invitational (Madras High School)
Estacada, Gladstone, Hood River Valley, Madras, Ridgeview
DONE 1/8 Wed 6:00 pm Gladstone vs. North Marion Dual BWR Meet (@ North Marion High School)
North Marion
DONE 1/21 Tue TBD Gladstone vs. St. Helens Dual BWR Meet
St. Helens
DONE 1/25 Sat TBD Golden Yam (Yamhill-Carlton)
Gladstone, Jefferson, Molalla, Phoenix, Sheridan, Vernonia, Yamhill-Carlton
DONE 1/30 Thu 6:00 pm North Marion vs. Gladstone Dual BWR Meet
DONE 2/5 Wed 5:00 pm Molalla River Duals (Molalla High School)
Cascade, Estacada, Gladstone, Molalla, Stayton
# C Name Position Grade Height
Asa McFarland 9
Cole Luttrell 11
J.D. Self 12
John Weigel 9
Kaison Coutts 9
Kasen Sandness 10

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