Oregon School Activities Association
OnPoint Community Credit Union

Sandy Boys Wrestling Program

6A (Public)
Regular District
6A-4 Mt. Hood Conference

Team Staff
Head Coach
Larry Topliff
Asst. Coaches
BJ Grimmer, Calvin McKinnis Jr., Dave Jansen, Mike Platz, Peter Gregg, Roger Sayles, Shawn Blyth
Program Information
6A (2024-25)
6A-4 Mt. Hood Conference

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NFHS Network

Varsity Schedule

Status Date Day Time Event Host
DONE 12/7 Sat TBD Ranger Classic (Estacada)
Estacada, Gladstone, La Grande, Molalla, Sandy, Seaside, The Dalles
DONE 12/12 Thu 5:00 pm Sandy vs. Nelson Dual BWR Meet (Nelson)
DONE 12/13 - 12/14 F/S TBD Coast Classic (North Bend)
Ashland, Bend, Brookings-Harbor, Century, Clackamas, Coquille, Cottage Grove, Crater, Crook County, Crow, Douglas, Eagle Point, Elmira, Gold Beach, Grants Pass, Harrisburg, Hidden Valley, Liberty, Marshfield, McNary, Molalla, Mountainside, Myrtle Point, Newport, North Bend, North Marion, North Medford, North Salem, Redmond, Reedsport, Ridgeview, Roseburg, Sandy, Siuslaw / Mapleton, South Medford, South Umpqua, Southridge, Stayton, Sutherlin, West Salem, Willamette
North Bend
DONE 12/18 Wed TBD Sandy Novice (Sandy High School)
DONE 12/21 Sat TBD Larry Owings Invitational
Aloha, Beaverton, Canby, Centennial, Century, David Douglas, Grant, Lincoln, Milwaukie / Milwaukie Acad. of the Arts, Nelson, Oregon City, Ridgeview, Sandy, Sherwood, Silverton, Tualatin, West Salem, Woodburn
DONE 1/4 Sat TBD Paul/Larson Tournament (Sandy)
Estacada, McDaniel, McKay, Milwaukie / Milwaukie Acad. of the Arts, Molalla, Mountainside, Parkrose, Sandy, The Dalles, Hudson Bay (WA)
DONE 1/9 Thu 6:30 pm Barlow vs. Sandy Dual BWR Meet
DONE 1/15 Wed TBD Sandy vs. Clackamas Dual BWR Meet
DONE 1/17 - 1/18 F/S TBD Oregon Classic (Deschutes County Expo Center)
Banks, Coquille, Eagle Point, La Grande, Redmond, Sandy, West Albany
DONE 1/23 Thu 6:30 pm David Douglas vs. Sandy Dual BWR Meet
DONE 1/25 Sat TBD Colton Holly Memorial Tourament (Wilsonville HS)
Barlow, Century, Grant, Gresham, Liberty, Mountainside, Oregon City, Ridgeview, Roosevelt, Sandy, Tigard, Wilsonville
DONE 1/30 Thu 6:30 pm Sandy vs. Gresham Dual BWR Meet (Gresham)
DONE 2/1 Sat 9:00 am Silverton Jack Berger Invitational (Silverton)
Beaverton, Churchill, Glencoe, Grant, Gresham, Lebanon, McMinnville, McNary, Philomath, Sandy, Sherwood, Silverton, South Albany, Sunset, Tualatin, Westview
DONE 2/8 Sat 11:30 am Reynolds vs. Sandy Dual BWR Meet (Sandy)
SCHD 2/14 - 2/15 F/S TBD Mt. Hood Conference District Tourament (Gresham High School)
Barlow, Clackamas, David Douglas, Gresham, Nelson, Reynolds, Sandy
# C Name Position Grade Height
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