The eight dance teams from the 5A Northwest Oregon Conference gathered Nov. 9 for their annual All-League Dance Showcase hosted by Centennial High School.
Started in 2018, the annual showcase is an opportunity for dance teams to perform together in a setting other than a competition.
Each team performs either a halftime routine or a routine they plan to take to an upcoming competition.
The annual Showcase honors all seniors, a league coach of the year, novice and advanced drill down winners and an All-League Dance Team.
Showcase drill down winners:
- Elise Quinlan, Canby
- Trinity Lazarus, Centennial
- Aleta Panyanouvong, Centennial
- Valerie Gaxiola, Centennial
- Vivian Davis, Centennial
- Alexis Lewis, Putnam
- Patricia Campbell, Canby
- Zoie Fulks, Canby
- Gracie Chaffee, Canby
- Lacie Wheeler, Wilsonville
Dancers named to the All-League team are nominated by their school’s coaching staff based on their dance ability, school involvement, and academic achievement. All-League dancers must be a Junior or Senior and have a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
2022 NWOC All League Dance Honorees:
- Maddy DeHart, Parkrose
- Lily Brown, Parkrose
- Kyra Lorio, Wilsonville
- Simone Dluhy, Parkrose
- Lacie Wheeler, Wilsonville
- Alexis Lewis, Putnam
- Marissa VanHoose, Canby
- Ella Reivilli, Milwaukie
- Ainsley Lemuz, Canby
- Itati Bernal, Milwaukie
- Mia Morfin, Canby
- Angelia Allworth, Putnam
- Hannah Thompson, Canby
- Claire Baker, Canby
- Duyen Nguyễn, Centennial
- Sofia Burgher, La Salle Prep
- Fia Cooper, La Salle Prep
- Lian Ning, Centennial
- Kamryn Houghton, La Salle Prep
- Claire Schnyder, La Salle Prep
- Alivia Siscaretti, Centennial