Spring Individual Sports
Golf: Girls - Boys | iWanamaker Tennis: Girls - Boys | TennisReporting Track: Girls - Boys | Athletic.net
Golf: Girls - Boys | iWanamaker Tennis: Girls - Boys | TennisReporting Track: Girls - Boys | Athletic.net

3A/2A/1A Girls Soccer Playoff Qualifications

3A/2A/1A Girls Soccer
20-team OSAA bracket
Automatic Qualifiers – 19 teams automatically qualify for the OSAA's 20-team bracket based on Special District
and/or district tournament play on or before Tuesday, October 29. Each Special District determines how
they will select their allotted playoff spots.
Special District 1 - 4; Special District 2 - 4; Special District 3 - 3; Special District 4 - 5; Special District 5 - 3
(Determined at the Executive Board during the 9/9/24 meeting)
Special District 1 - Valley Catholic, Catlin Gabel, Oregon Episcopal, Banks
Special District 2 - Amity, Blanchet Catholic, Salem Academy, Yamhill-Carlton
Special District 3 - Central Linn/East Linn Christian, Sisters, Creswell
Special District 4 - St. Mary's (Medford), Brookings-Harbor, Sutherlin, Lakeview, Cascade Christian
Special District 5 - Four Rivers, McLoughlin, Echo/Stanfield
Rankings Freeze Date – The rankings will freeze at 10pm on Tuesday, October 29.
At-Large Qualifier – One additional team will qualify for the OSAA's 20-team bracket based on the
OSAA rankings. Once the rankings are frozen, the highest ranked team not already an automatic
league qualifier will qualify as the At-Large team.
At-Large #1 - Pleasant Hill
- Rankings – Once the 20 qualifying teams are determined, they will be placed on the OSAA bracket according to OSAA Executive Board Policy “State Championships – Rankings”.