[Editor’s note: “Take Five” is a recurring feature designed to offer a quick look at some of Oregon’s most interesting high school sports standouts. This spring, Take Five will focus exclusively on seniors, whose final high school seasons have been canceled by the coronavirus. Today, we meet Regis righty Bryce Campbell, a First Team All-League pick who tossed two consecutive no-hitters as a junior. Campbell, who also plays shortstop for the 2A Rams, tried for a third straight no-hitter, which would have broken the state record; but had to “settle” for a one-hit shutout. We asked Campbell to answer five questions from the 25 we posed to him. Here’s what he said …]
OSAAtoday: What is the wisest thing a coach ever said to you?
Bryce Campbell: “Turn the page.” Things don’t always go your way, and you can't let little mistakes or errors affect your level of play. If you do, they stick in your head and will only pull you down. It took me a long time to learn to “turn the page.” As an athlete, I always want to do well, and when I make a mistake or swing at a bad pitch, I find it hard to let go. But the way we learn is through mistakes, and that’s a big part of baseball. Over my career, I have learned to listen to my coach, turn the page, and grow from my mistakes. As a result, I am mentally tougher and a much better ball player.
OSAAtoday: What was your first big success as an athlete and how did it impact you?
Campbell: I’ve been playing baseball since I was five years old. I’ve had a lot of success over my career, but my first major success as an athlete was last year when I threw my first no-hitter against Oakridge High School. I was in the zone during that game and didn’t even know I was throwing a no-hitter. When the game ended, my team charged the mound to congratulate me. The next week, I was named Statesman Journal Athlete of the Week, which both thrilled and shocked me, and I capped off the week by throwing a second no-hitter against Mohawk High School. I didn’t set out to throw two no-hitters in a row. I just wanted to pitch well for my team. Hard work and dedication to both my team and the sport have paid off, though, and I cannot wait to get on the field again and see what is yet to come.
OSAAtoday: What is the single funniest thing you have seen in baseball?
Campbell: During my pregame bullpen against Oakridge, I threw a curveball that bounced in front of the catcher and flew over the fence onto the field. My catcher stood up and tried jumping over the fence, but his foot got hooked in the chain link, and he did a perfect flip onto the field in front of the fans and both teams. It was one of the funniest moments because it was both so perfect and random. Thankfully, he wasn’t hurt, but it’s a memory I won’t soon forget.
OSAAtoday: Describe your scariest moment while learning how to drive.
Campbell: My family lives on a hill, and our driveway is pretty steep. One morning we had freezing rain, but as I was leaving for school, I had no idea that it was really bad. Halfway down my S-curve driveway, which has a hill on one side and a drop off on the other, I tapped on the brakes and lost all control of the car. My vehicle did a complete 360 down the driveway, and when I came to a stop, I was perpendicular to the road, facing the drop off. I remember thinking I was going to die and fly off into the trees. Luckily, I didn’t. In a few hours, the ice thawed and I was able to get to school. I’m a lot more careful about driving conditions after that!
OSAAtoday: You can blink and be transported to any place in Oregon for a day. Where do you go and why?
Campbell: If I could go anywhere in Oregon for a day it would definitely be the North Marion baseball field for a game. There is something about North Marion’s field that is both special and awe-inspiring, like Field of Dreams in Iowa. North Marion’s field isn’t just beautifully built and cared for, it has a magical quality that makes every team who gets to play there feel special. Like we’re part of an elite club. I had the opportunity to play on North Marion’s field during my Legion summer season, and I can’t wait to get back there again.
Read other Take Five articles published in connection with the 2020 spring season:
Monroe softball pitcher Tyler Warden
North Salem sprinter Maliyah Thompson
La Grande catcher Logan Paustian
Lake Oswego thrower Parker Williams
Lakeridge netter Nicole Rogers