The OSAA staff added two new faces during the 2022-23 school year and will add two additional faces over the summer.
Randi Davis joined the staff in January as an administrative assistant. Randi has main reception duties along with trophies and medals, awards programs, shipping and receiving and OSAA Corner Store to name a few of the many aspects in which she will be involved.
Chris Burkhardt joined the OSAA staff in April. Chris oversees all digital and social media for the Association. In the Fall, schools will see Chris out at regular season and state championships events telling the incredible stories of our schools, students, and coaches from around the state.
Missy Smith has joined the staff as the newest Assistant Executive Director. Missy joins the staff after 15 years at Oregon Episcopal School (Portland), the last seven as Athletic Director. Missy will oversee Volleyball, Swimming, Golf and Softball for the OSAA. Smith will be heavily involved in Association committee work and continual efforts to stay connected to Oregon athletic directors.
Jack McFarland is the new General Manager of OSAA Sports Properties. Jack replaces Ian Frost who has moved into a new role as the Vice President, Growth & Innovation - High School Associations with PlayFly. Jack looks forward to creating relationships with member schools and continuing the high level of services to OSAA sponsors that has been present since the relationship began in 2018.