Spring Individual Sports
Golf: Girls - Boys | iWanamaker Tennis: Girls - Boys | TennisReporting Track: Girls - Boys | Athletic.net
Golf: Girls - Boys | iWanamaker Tennis: Girls - Boys | TennisReporting Track: Girls - Boys | Athletic.net

The senior-heavy Axe, who have outscored their opponents 49-3 this season, win their seventh conference title since 2016
After 6A quarterfinal exits the last two years, Irish girls on a mission; La Salle Prep's Sheffield climbs all-time scoring list
Eagle boys stay on top in 4A Oregon West, where they have 30-match unbeaten streak; Klamath Union breaks through vs. Henley
Cougars, No. 1 in 5A, have sights on first league title; Central Catholic girls win seven in row; McMinnville boys drop Glencoe