Spring Individual Sports
Golf: Girls - Boys | iWanamaker Tennis: Girls - Boys | TennisReporting Track: Girls - Boys | Athletic.net
Golf: Girls - Boys | iWanamaker Tennis: Girls - Boys | TennisReporting Track: Girls - Boys | Athletic.net

Makenna Reid climbs to 400-strikeout plateau and Kani Korok drives in four runs as Tigard drops Newberg 5-0 in quarterfinal
Robert Key replaces Eric Viuhkola with the Lions; Jukkala resigns after leading Tualatin to title; Ryan King back at Clackamas
Prospectors, No. 1 in 2A/1A, cut through treacherous nonleague schedule; Bend handcuffs foes; Neiss is catalyst for 9-0 Newberg
Tigers win six weights, including four-time champion Ayden Garver, to score record 418 points; Sprague boasts five champions
Tigers' 91-match winning streak, probably an Oregon state record, finishes with 81-0 win over Glencoe
Tigers crown three individual champions and use depth to hold off star-studded Crescent Valley in the team race
Top teams in 6A and 5A put a combined 14 wrestlers into the finals, seeking ‘best of best’ recognition