Spring Individual Sports
Golf: Girls - Boys | iWanamaker Tennis: Girls - Boys | TennisReporting Track: Girls - Boys | Athletic.net
Golf: Girls - Boys | iWanamaker Tennis: Girls - Boys | TennisReporting Track: Girls - Boys | Athletic.net

Prospectors, No. 1 in 2A/1A, cut through treacherous nonleague schedule; Bend handcuffs foes; Neiss is catalyst for 9-0 Newberg
The Lava Bears, with nationally recruited sophomore pitcher Addisen Fisher, are ranked No. 1 in 6A and No. 47 in the country
With Forest Grove unable to play host, the event moves to Marshfield and North Bend high schools, sites of the 3A tournament
Facts and factoids about the 24 teams competing for titles this weekend
Valley Catholic reaches 4A semifinals with strong defensive effort; top-ranked teams all prevail
Lava Bears use superior height to register 15 blocks in three-set win