Spring Individual Sports
Golf: Girls - Boys | iWanamaker Tennis: Girls - Boys | TennisReporting Track: Girls - Boys | Athletic.net
Golf: Girls - Boys | iWanamaker Tennis: Girls - Boys | TennisReporting Track: Girls - Boys | Athletic.net
Thurston ends Sheldon's reign over Eugene; Lakeridge rebounds strong from loss; 3A Siuslaw breaks through; 1A Elgin on the move
The Colts roll up 538 offensive yards and land on undermanned Churchill 55-0 in their opener, but face Big Daddy Sheldon next
Strong pitching performances carry teams to the semifinals
West Linn gets no-no from Franzen in 6A walk off; top-ranked North Marion falls in 4A
The No. 8 Colts, averaging 15.6 runs per game, are eager to show that they belong among the best teams in 5A
Wilsonville uses its inside game and defense to overcome top-seeded Churchill 67-58